
This little book can do no more than humbly touch the fringe of a large subject; but if it leads the reader to a further study of this beautiful craft, it will have amply fulfilled its duty.

I must express my deep obligation to the magnificent volume on ivories by M. Emile Molinier, whose masterly arrangement of a very fragmentary and scattered subject is a model of lucidity; and also to Dr. Hans Graeven, whose scholarly researches and excellent photographs are indispensable for a real study of the craft.

A. M. Cust.

December, 1901.


List of Illustrations xiii
Bibliography xvii

Consular and other Secular Diptychs 1

Latin and Byzantine Ivories 37
I. Latin and Latino-Byzantine and
the Early Byzantine Ivories 37
II. Byzantine Caskets 75
III. The Byzantine Renaissance 84

Lombardic, Anglo-Saxon, Carlovingian
and German Ivories 96
I. Lombard Ivory Carvings 96
II. Anglo-Saxon Ivory Carvings 99
III. The Carlovingian Renaissance 106
IV. German Ivory Carving in the time
of the Ottos 118

Romanesque and Gothic Ivories 129

List of Diptychs
List of Places where Important Examples
of Ivories can be found 165
Index 167


1. An Angel. Leaf of a Diptych.
Fifth century. Byzantine
British Museum, London Frontispiece
2. Second Leaf of the Diptych of Probianus,
Vice-Prefect of Rome. End of fourth century
Berlin Library 8
3. First Leaf of the Diptych of Probus,
Consul at Rome, 406 A.D.
Duomo, Aosta 9
4. First Leaf of the Diptych of Orestes,
Consul at Rome, 530 A.D.
Victoria and Albert Museum, London 14
5. Leaf of the Diptych of Amalasuntha(?)
Sixth Century. Italian
Bargello, Florence 30
6. Adam in the Terrestrial Paradise, and Scenes
from the Life of St. Paul.
Leaves of a Diptych. Fifth century. Italian
Bargello, Florence 41
7 & 8. Two Plaques, The Crucifixion and Christ leaving
the PrÆtorium.
Fifth century. Italian
British Museum 46, 47
9. Pyx with the Scene of Christ healing the Paralytic.
Sixth century. Italo-Byzantine
MusÉe de Cluny, Paris 51
10. Cover of a Book of the Gospels
(from S. Michele di Murano). Sixth century. Italo-Byzantine
Ravenna Museum 53
11. Cover of a Book of the Gospels, with three scenes from
the Nativity (from Metz Cathedral).
Sixth century. Italo-Byzantine
BibliothÈque nationale, Paris 57
12. Front of the Ivory Throne of St. Maximian,
with St. John Baptist and the Four Evangelists.
Sixth century. Byzantine
Duomo, Ravenna 59
13. A Panel from the same Throne, Bringing Joseph’s
Coat to Jacob.
Sixth century. Byzantine
Duomo, Ravenna 63
14. Oliphant. Ninth to tenth century.
Oriental Byzantine
Victoria and Albert Museum, London 73
15. Veroli Casket. Byzantine
Victoria and Albert Museum, London 77
16. Front of a Casket, with scenes from the life of David.
Ninth century. Byzantine
Museo Kircheriano, Rome 81
17. Harbaville Triptych.
Tenth century. Byzantine
Louvre, Paris 87
18. Plaque with the Ascension of Christ.
Eleventh century. Byzantine
Bargello, Florence 89
19. Christ enthroned.
Eleventh century. Byzantine
Trivulzio Collection, Milan 91
20. Christ crowning the Emperor Romanus and the
Empress Eudoxia.
Eleventh century. Byzantine.
Cabinet des MÉdailles, BibliothÈque nationale, Paris 93
21. The Adoration of the Magi.
Eleventh century. Anglo-Saxon
Victoria and Albert Museum, London 101
22. The XXVIIth Psalm represented in scenic form.
Ninth century. Carlovingian
ZÜrich Museum 109
23. Cover of a Book of the Gospels.
Ninth century. Carlovingian
Abbey of St. Gall, Switzerland 113
24. The Crucifixion and Allegorical Figures.
Ninth century. Carlovingian
Victoria and Albert Museum, London 115
25. Panel of the Crucifixion, from a book cover.
Tenth century. German
John Rylands Library, Manchester 123
26. Ceremonial Comb.
Eleventh century. English
British Museum, London 127
27. A Bishop’s Crozier.
Fourteenth century. French
Victoria and Albert Museum, London 131
28. The Coronation of the Virgin.
Thirteenth century. French
Louvre, Paris 137
29. The Virgin and Child.
Thirteenth century. French
Bargello, Florence 139
30. The Descent from the Cross.
Thirteenth century. French
Louvre, Paris 141
31. A Polyptych, with the Virgin and Child
and various scenes from the Nativity.
Fourteenth century. French
Victoria and Albert Museum, London 143
32. First Leaf of a Diptych.
Fourteenth century. French
Mayer Coll., Liverpool Museum 145
33. Plaque from a Casket Representing Dancers.
Fourteenth century. French
Bargello, Florence 147
34. A Mirror Case, with the Elopement of Guinivere and Lancelot.
Fourteenth century. French
Mayer Coll., Liverpool Museum 149
35. Panel from a Casket.
Fourteenth century. French
Bargello, Florence 151
36. Triptych made for Bishop Grandison of Exeter.
1327-1369. English
British Museum, London 153
37. Triptych.
Early fifteenth century. Italian
Victoria and Albert Museum, London 155


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