I have been long waiting in hopes that some of my people, who have received an English education, would have undertaken the work as to give a sketch of the Ancient History of the Six Nations; but found no one seemed to concur in the matter, after some hesitation I determined to commence the work; but found the history involved with fables; and besides, examining myself, finding so small educated that it was impossible for me to compose the work without much difficulty. After various reasons I abandoned the idea: I however, took up a resolution to continue the work, which I have taken much pains procuring the materials, and translating it into English language. I have endeavored to throw some light on the history of the original population of the country, which I believe never have been recorded. I hope this little work will be acceptable to the public. DAVID CUSICK. Tuscarora Village, June 10th, 1825. ATOTARHO, A FAMOUS WAR CHIEF, RESIDED AT ONONDAGA. A WAR DANCE. STONISH GIANTS. THE FLYING HEAD PUT TO FLIGHT BY A WOMAN PARCHING ACORNS. |