The following corrections have been made in the text: | ?– | ‘Persception’ replaced with ‘Perception’ (Validity of Sense-Perception consist?) | ?– | ‘homogenous’ replaced with ‘homogeneous’ (in a homogeneous whole,) | ?– | ‘WolffenbÜttel’ replaced with ‘WolfenbÜttel’ (WolfenbÜttel Fragments) | ?– | ‘Leeuwenhook’ replaced with ‘Leeuwenhoek’ (of Swammerdam and Leeuwenhoek) | ?– | ‘speculalation’ replaced with ‘speculation’ (against scholastic speculation and abstraction;) | ?– | ‘Wackenrode’ replaced with ‘Wackenroder’ (Tieck, Wackenroder, Novalis,) | ?– | ‘thing-it-itself’ replaced with ‘thing-in-itself’ (while the thing-in-itself was) | ?– | ‘Tommasso’ replaced with ‘Tommaso’ (Campanella, Tommaso) | ?– | ‘223’ replaced with ‘213’ (213 n.) | ?– | ‘scepticism’ replaced with ‘skepticism’ (the skepticism of, influenced Kant) | ?– | ‘fundanental’ replaced with ‘fundamental’ (the fundamental principle in) | ?– | ‘preËstabished’ replaced with ‘preËstablished’ (a preËstablished harmony) | |