
The following treatise forms a part only of a much larger and more comprehensive work, covering the whole ground of parliamentary law and practice, which the author has for some time been engaged in preparing; and which it is his intention to complete and publish, as soon as possible. In the mean time, this little work has been compiled, chiefly from the larger, at the request of the publishers, and to supply a want which was supposed to exist to a considerable extent.

The treatise, now presented to the public, is intended as a Manual for Deliberative Assemblies of every description, but more especially for those which are not legislative in their character; though with the exception of the principal points, in which legislative bodies differ from others, namely, the several different stages or readings of a bill, and [p5] conferences and amendments between the two branches, this work will be found equally useful in legislative assemblies as in others.

The only work which has hitherto been in general use in this country, relating to the proceedings of legislative assemblies, is the compilation originally prepared by Mr.Jefferson, when vice-president of the United States, for the use of the body over which he presided, and which is familiarly known as Jefferson’s Manual. This work, having been extensively used in our legislative bodies, and, in some States, expressly sanctioned by law, may be said to form, as it were, the basis of the common parliamentary law of this country. Regarding it in that light, the author of the following treatise has considered the principles and rules laid down by Mr.Jefferson (and which have been adopted by him chiefly from the elaborate work of Mr.Hatsell) as the established rules on this subject, and has accordingly made them the basis of the present compilation, with an occasional remark, in a note, by way of explanation or suggestion, whenever he deemed it necessary.

Members of legislative bodies, who may have occasion to make use of this work, will [p6] do well to bear in mind, that it contains only what may be called the common parliamentary law; which, in every legislative assembly, is more or less modified or controlled by special rules.

L. S. C.

Boston, November 1, 1844.



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