[p 195 ] INDEX.


The figures refer to the numbers of the paragraphs.

Acceptance by the maker of a motion, of an amendment, 92, 93.

Addition of propositions, how effected, 88.

Adjournment, without day, equivalent to a dissolution, 139.

effect of, on business under consideration, 140.

motion for, takes precedence of all other motions, 137.

when it may be amended, 137.

form of, 138, 200.

Amendment, purposes of motions for, 60, 78.

order of proceeding in, 95, 191.

acceptance of by mover of proposition, 92, 93.

of amendments by striking out and inserting, 107, 108.

of amendment, to be put before the original amendment, 110.

of an amendment to an amendment, not allowed, 96.

object of such motion, how attained, 96, 97.

cannot be made to what has been agreed to on a question, 98, 99, 100, 101.

inconsistency of, with one already adopted, 102.

may show the absurdity of the original object of the proposition, 132.

may change the object, 128, 129, 133.

or may defeat the object, 130, 131.

by addition, 88.

by separation, 89.

by transposition, 90.

by striking out, 94, 103 to 112.

by inserting or adding, 94, 113 to 121.

by striking out and inserting, 94, 122 to 127.

motion for, by striking out and inserting, 103, 104, 111, 122.

may be divided, 122.

may be amended, 126.

manner of stating question on, 112, 121, 127.

precedence of question on, 123.

to strike out, decided in the negative, equivalent to the affirmative of agreeing, 98, 100, 252.

if passed may not be renewed, 103 to 106, 113 to 116, 119, 124, 125.

stands in the same degree with the previous question, and indefinite postponement, 184.

superseded by a motion to postpone to a day or to commit, 185.

may be amended, 96, 107, 117, 126, 184.

effect of vote on, 94 to 127, 187.

to be put before the original motion, 110, 120.

Apology, 42.

Assembly, Deliberative, purposes of, how effected, 1.

how organized, 2, 3.

judgment of, how expressed, 13.

Assembling, time of, to be fixed beforehand, 23.

place of, in possession of assembly, 9.

Authentication of acts, etc., of a deliberative assembly, 27, 32.

Blanks, filling of, 84.

with times or numbers, rule for, 85, 86, 87.

See Precedence.

Chairman, preliminary election of, 3.

See Presiding Officer.

Clerk, 5.

See Recording Officer.Committees, objects and advantages of, 258, 260, 261.

who to compose, 258, 270.

usually those favorable to the proposed measure, 271.

mode of appointment of, 263, 267, 268, 269.

when by the presiding officer, under a standing rule, 266.

how notified of their appointment, 32, 272.

when and where to sit, 274, 275, 277.

select, 259.

how appointed, 264 to 269.

standing, 259.

what to be referred to, 74.

instructions to, 65, 76, 77, 262.

list of, etc., given by the clerk to the member first appointed, 272.

person first appointed on, acts as chairman by courtesy, 273.

proceed like other assemblies, 276, 279.

may proceed by sub-committees, 306.

mode of proceeding on a paper which has been referred to them, 279, 281, 283.

mode of proceeding on a paper originating in the committee, 279, 280, 282.

manner of closing session of, 285.

report of, how made, 282, 283, 284, 286, 287, 292.

form of report of, 286, 292.

mode of proceeding on report of, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296.

acceptance of report of, 295.

form of stating questions on report of, 295, 296.

See Report.

Committee of the Whole, of whom composed, 259.

how constituted, 297.

what a quorum of, 299.

who presides over, 297, 298.

who is clerk of, 301.

proceeding of, similar to those of the assembly itself, 302, 309.

mode of proceeding if one session does not complete the business, 304.

who may speak in, and how often, 305.

cannot refer any matter to another committee, 306.

cannot punish for breaches of order, 308.

disorderly words in, how noticed, 308.

differences between and other committees, 302 to 308.

presiding officer of assembly to remain in the room, during the session of, 300.

See Reports, Disorderly Words.

Commitment, definition and purposes of, 73.

when a proper course, 60.

what may be committed, 75, 76, 77.

effect of a vote on a motion for, 183.

motion for, may be amended, 181.

supersedes a motion to amend, 185.

is of the same degree with motions for the previous question and postponement, 182.

See Committees.

Communications to the assembly, how made, 44, 46, 48, 49.

Consent of the assembly, in what cases, and how far, to be presumed by the presiding officer, 35, 237, 293.

Contested Elections, 7.

See Returns.

Credentials of members, 7.

Debate, proper character of, 201.

should be confined to the question, 209.

usual mode of putting an end to, 220, 221.

of shortening, 222.

See Speaking.

Decorum, Breaches of, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 223, 224.

how to be noticed, 40.

remedy for, 224, 225, 226.

how a member is to proceed to exculpate himself from a charge of, 40.

See Disorderly Words, Order.Disorderly Words, cause of proceedings, when spoken, 227 to 231.

to be written down by the clerk, as spoken, 228, 229.

members not to be censured for, unless complained of at the time, 232.

spoken in a committee during its session, 278.

in committee of the whole to be written down, and reported to the assembly, 308.Disorderly Conduct, 9, 37 to 40, 313.

Division of a question, 79 to 83, 122, 123.

effect of, 80.

motion for, how made, 80.

right to demand, 81, 82.

when it may take place, 83.

See Question.

Elections and Returns, 6, 7, 8.

Expulsion, 42.

Floor, how to obtain, 46.

who has a right to, 47, 203, 204, 205.

member in possession of, to be interrupted only by a call to order, 200.

when usually allowed to the mover of a motion, 204.

when one relinquishes, for one purpose, he does so for all purposes, 205, 219.

Forms of proceeding, 10, 59, 315.

See Order, Rules.

Incidental Questions, 150 to 165.

questions of order, 151 to 154.

reading papers, 155 to 160.

withdrawal of a motion, 161, 162.

suspension of a rule, 163, 164.

amendment of amendments, 165.

See Question.

Introduction of business, how accomplished, 43.

See Rules.

Journal of a deliberate assembly, what and how kept, 32, 33.

Judgment of an aggregate body, how evidenced, 14.

Lie on the Table, purpose of motion for, 60, 71, 72.

Motion for, cannot be amended, 170.

when to be resorted to, 171.

effect of vote on, 71, 72, 172, 173.

takes precedence of all other subsidiary motions, 171.

List of members, 6.

Main Question, 63, 64, 135, 213.

Majority, decision by, on questions and elections, 24.Members, rights and duties of, 36.

punishments of, 42.

not to be present at debates on matters concerning themselves, 41, 225, 230.

proceedings on quarrels between, caution relating to, 314.

Membership, rights of, how decided, 8.

Modification of a motion by the mover, 92.

Motion, definition of, 45, 59, 233.

to be in writing, 54.

to be seconded, 53 to 55.

how seconded, 55.

when in order, 247.

subsidiary, need not be in writing, 54.

but must be seconded, 55.

to suppress a proposition, 62.

to be stated or read for the information of any member, 57.

can be withdrawn only by leave, 56, 92.

when before the assembly, none other can be received, except privileged motions, 58.

is not before the assembly, until stated by its presiding officer, 198.

not in order unless the maker be called to by the presiding officer, 200.

by one seated, or not addressing the chair, not to be received, 200.

principal and subsidiary, cannot be made together, 199.

Naming a member, what, 40, 225.

Numbers prefixed to paragraphs of a proposition, not a part of it, 91.

Officers of an assembly, titles of, 5.

who are, usually, 26.

how appointed, and removable, 26.

a majority, necessary to elect, 26.

when not members of the assembly, 5.

pro tempore, when to be chosen, 29.

See Presiding Officer, Recording Officer.Order of a deliberative assembly, what, 13.

of business, 188 to 200.

how established, 190.

questions of, what, 152.

how decided, 154, 248.

form of, on appeal, 154.

no debate upon, allowed during divisions, 248.

rules of, to be enforced without delay, 151.

call to, effect of, 214.

who may make, 151.

interrupts the business under consideration, 153.

See Disorderly Conduct, Disorderly Words.

Orders of the Day, definition of, 142.

motion for, a privileged question for the day, 143, 144, 145, 146.

motion for, generally supersedes other propositions, 143, 144.

being taken up, the business interrupted thereby is suspended, 147.

fall, if not taken up on the day fixed, 149.

unless by special rule, 149.

Organization, necessity for, 1.

usual mode of, 3.

on report of a committee, 4.

Papers and Documents, in whose custody, 33.

Parliamentary Law, common, what, 6, 10.

See Rules.

Parliamentary Rules, whence derived, 11.

in each State, how formed, 11.

See Rules.

Petitions, requisites to, 49.

to be offered by members, 49, 50.

mode of offering, 51.

to be read by the clerk, if received, 52.

regular and usual action on presenting, 51, 52.

contents of, to be known by member presenting, 50.

to be in respectful language, 50.

Postponement, effect of vote on motion for, 180.

motion for, may be amended, 176.

how amended, 177, 178.

supersedes a motion to amend, 185.

is not superseded by a motion to commit or to amend, 179.

is of the same degree with a motion for the previous question, 179.

indefinite, purpose of motion for, 60, 67.

effect of vote on motion for, 67.

to a day certain, purpose of motion for, 68, 69.

an improper use of, 70.

Power of assembly to eject strangers, 9.

Preamble, or title, usually considered after the paper is gone through with, 192.Precedence of motions, 171, 174, 179, 182, 186, 197, 220.

of questions, 123, 134, 135, 153.

as to reference to a committee, 74.

on motions to fill blanks, 85, 86, 87.

questions of privilege take precedence of all motions but for adjournment, 141.

President, 5.

See Presiding Officer.

Presiding Officer, duties of, 27, 30, 40, 225, 313, 314.

to be first heard on questions of order, 207.

how far member of an assembly, 5.

not usually to take part in debate, 5, 202.

but in committees of the whole, 307.

or on point of order, 154.

to give a casting vote, 5, 243.

effect of not giving casting vote, 243.

may not interrupt one speaking, but to call to order, 207.

may not decide upon inconsistency of a proposed amendment with one already adopted, 102.

Previous Question, motion for, purpose of, 60.

form of, 64, 170.

original use of, 63, 64, 65.

present use of, 65, 66, 220.

use of in England, 66.

cannot be amended, 170.

effect of vote on, 64, 66, 175.

effect of negative decision of, 65.

cannot be made in committee of the whole, 303.

stands in same degree with other subsidiary motions, except to lie on the table, 174.Privileged Questions, 136 to 149.

adjournment, 137 to 140.

questions of privilege, 141.

orders of the day, 142 to 149.

take precedence of all motions but for adjournments, 141.

when settled, business thereby interrupted to be resumed, 141.

Proceedings, how set in motion, 43.Punishment of members, 41, 42.

a question of, pending, the member to withdraw, 230.

Quarrel between members, 38, 314.

See Disorderly Words.Question, definition of, 233.

forms of, in use, 15, 60, 61.

when to be put, 235.

mode of putting, 236.

on a series of propositions, 193.

on amendments reported by a committee, 194.

mode of taking, 238, 240, 241, 242, 245.

when and how decision of may be questioned, 238, 239.

all the members in the room when a question is put are bound to vote upon it, 244.

members not in the room, cannot vote on, 244.

when taken by yeas and nays, 245.

mode of taking, in Massachusetts, 246.

when and how to be divided, 79.

how taken when divided, 80.

motion to divide, may be amended, 80.

what may be divided, 83.

who may divide, 81, 122.

usually regulated by rule, 82.

incidental, defined and enumerated, 150 to 165.

subsidiary, or secondary, defined and enumerated, 166 to 170.

privileged, defined and enumerated, 136.

See Incidental Questions, Privileged Questions, Subsidiary Questions.

Quorum, necessity for, 17, 19.

what constitutes, 16.

effect of want of, on pending question, 249.

necessary on a division of the assembly, 249.

want of, how ascertained, 19.

consequences of want of, 19, 249.

Reading of Papers by the clerk, 155.

by members not allowed, without leave obtained by motion and vote, 157, 158.

when to be omitted, 159.

when necessary, if called for, 155.

question on, to be first decided, 160.

Reception, question of, on petition, 51.

on report, 286, 293.

Recommitment, what, 73, 290, 291.

Reconsideration, general principle relating to, 250 to 253.

motion for, allowed in this country, 254, 255.

effect of, 256.

usually regulated by rule, 257.Recording Officer, duties of, 31, 32, 33, 35.

how his absence is to be supplied, 34.

how elected, 3, 4.

precedence of, if more than one, 5.

papers and documents to be in his charge, 33.

Recurrence of Business, when interrupted by want of quorum, 249.

by motion for the previous question, 66.

for indefinite postponement, 67.

to lie on the table, 71, 72.

for adjournment, 140.

for the orders of the day, 147, 148.

by a question of privilege, 141.

by a question of order, 153, 230.

by a call of a member to order, 200, 214.Reports of Committees, how made and received, 286 to 289.

how treated and disposed of, 292 to 296.

of a paper with amendments, 288.

action upon, 194, 195, 292 to 296.

when a new draft of a paper, 196.

acceptance of, 295, 296.

of committees of the whole, 310.

when to be received, 311.

Reprimand, 42.

See Punishment.

Resolution, what, 13, 233.Returns, 6.

time for investigating, 7.

mode of investigating, 7.

who to be on the investigating committee, 8.

who to be heard on a question on, 8.

Roll, calling of, 32, 35, 245.Rules of debate and proceeding, subject of, 14, 15.

general purpose of, 315.

what are necessarily adopted by assembly, 10, 20.

the same in this country and in England, 11.

usage does not give them the character of general laws, 12.

to be enforced without delay or debate, 22, 151, 152.

who may notice an infringement of, 22.

special, each assembly may adopt, 10, 20.

supersede ordinary parliamentary rules, 10.

usually provide for their own amendment, 21.

may be suspended on motion, 21, 163, 164.

motion to suspend, supersedes the original question, 163.

suspended only by general consent, 21, 164.

usually provide for their own suspension, 164.

may determine the number necessary to express the will of the assembly, 25.

See Reading of Papers, Speaking.

Secondary Questions, 166.

See Subsidiary Questions.

Seconding of motions, 55, 309.

Secretary, 5.

See Recording Officer.

Separation of propositions, how effected, 89.Speaking, rules as to manner of, 203 to 208.

as to matter in, 209 to 214.

as to times of, 215 to 219.

member, to stand uncovered, 203, 208.

not to make personal remarks, 211.

not to mention names of members, 206.

not to reflect on the assembly, or on its prior determinations, 210.

confined to the subject, 209, 213.

not to be interrupted, 219.

to speak but once on the same question, 215, 216,

except by leave, 217.

or to explain himself in matter of fact, 218.

See Debate, Presiding Officer.

Speech, reading of, by member, 157.Subsidiary Questions, 166 to 187.

nature and effect of, 166.

enumeration of, 167.

cannot be applied to one another, 168.

exceptions to this rule, 169.

lie on the table, 171, 172, 173.

amendment, 184 to 187.

previous question, 174, 175.

postponement, 176 to 180.

commitment, 181, 182, 183.

Suspension of a rule, 21, 163, 164.

See Rules.

Transposition of proposition, how effected, 90.

Vice-President, duties of, 5, 28.

See Officers.

Vote, what, 13, 233.

Voting, right and duty of, 41, 244.

prohibition from, 42.

See Members.

Will of assembly, majority necessary to express, 24.

special rule may determine what proportion may express, 25.

Withdrawal of motion can be only by leave, 161.

effect of vote upon motion for leave for, 162.

Yeas and Nays, how taken, 32, 245.

in Massachusetts, 246.

what number of members may require, 25.

form of putting question, 245.



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