- A
- Aborigines, warlike, of the early history of the Lakes, 163
- Adams, Mayor, of Buffalo, 127
- Aillon, Father Joseph de la Roche d’, mission formed by, 168
- Algonquin, a tribe of Indians, 164
- Alpena, the, of Lake Michigan, 102
- American Fur Company, the, 220
- American Shipbuilding Company, the, 15, 16
- Argosy, the huge, of the Lakes, 26
- Ariel, the battle-ship, 217
- Assiniboines, the, of Minnesota, 176
- Astor, John Jacob, 220
- Atlanta, the loss of the, 102
- Atlantic, loss of, with valuable cargo, 110
- B
- Bannockburn, the mystery of the, 103
- Barre, Governor De la, of Canada, 177
- Beauharnois, Governor, of Canada, 1727, 180
- Beaver Island, 88
- Belle Isle, a great pleasure ground, 85
- B.F. Jones, the cargo of, 60
- “Bread Basket of the World,” the future, 60
- Brock, General, the death of, 84
- Brule, Stephen, discovers Lake Superior, 166
- Buffalo, shipyards at, 10
- Burnett, Governor, of New York, 180
- C
- Cabins on a freighter, 138
- Calbick, James A., President of the Lumber Carriers’ Association, 51
- Caledonia, the capture of, 198
- Canada, the fertile regions of western, 63
- Canadian Niagara Falls Company, the, 133
- Canals, the, at Sault Ste. Marie, 27
- Cargoes of the Great Lakes, 1
- Caron, Joseph Le, discovers Lake Ontario, 166
- “Carriers,” the, of the Great Lakes, 24
- Cayuga Indians, the, 165
- Cheapness of travel on the Lakes, 75
- Chicago, shipyards at, 10
- Chicora, the passenger steamer, 42
- “City of the Five Great Lakes,” the, 48
- City of St. Ignace, the, a passenger steamer, 74
- Cleveland, shipyards at, 10
- Cliff stamp mill, the, 32
- Coal, immense amount consumed, 27
- Cole, Thomas F., President of the Oliver Mining Company, 32
- Collisions, danger of, 94
- Commerce, the, on the Lakes, 11, 49
- Construction of a Lake ship, 23
- Cordurus, the freighter, 100
- Coulby, Harry, President of the Pittsburg Steamship Company, 12
- Cruise of a Lonely Heart, The, 93
- Cuyler, Lieutenant, defeat of, 187
- 40
- Mess-room, the, on a freighter,