
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y.

Aconcagua Mountain, Chili, 509.
Agua Volcano, Guatemala, 67.
Alpaca, the, 427.
Alvarado, Conqueror of Guatemala, 64.
Alvarado, George, founder of the city of San Salvador, 179.
Andes, bridges in the, 441;
explorations in the, 438;
over the, 506, 510, 513;
scenery in the, 409.
Antigua, 63, 72.
Arequipa, 420.
Argentine Republic, agricultural area of, 584;
Americans in, 562;
beef exports of, 586, 587;
Catholic Church in, 558, 568;
cattle in, 579, 582;
cattle ranges in, 534;
commerce of, 552, 583, 586;
decay of Romanism in, 558;
discovery of, 543;
educational system of, 557;
England’s trade with, 553;
foreigners in, 581;
France’s trade with, 552;
geographies incorrect concerning, 551;
growth of, 550;
horsemen of, 556, 570, 574;
horses in, 589;
immigration to, 581;
Italian population of, 582;
land leasing in, 534;
libel laws of, 555;
map of, 580;
pamperos in, 544, 548;
peculiar customs of, 544, 547, 548, 555, 556, 559, 560, 565, 569-571, 576, 578, 590;
Protestant work in, 558, 568;
railroad system of, 581, 582;
ranches in, 579, 582, 588;
resources of, 553, 579, 583;
Roca, President of, 568, 569;
Rosas, the tyrant, President of, 549, 572;
Sarmiento, ex-President of, 557;
social conditions in, 565;
steamers to Paraguay from, 566;
steamship facilities of, 551, 566;
suffrage in, 581;
United States’ trade with, 553;
universities of, 556;
wheat product of, 554, 583;
women physicians of, 561;
wool product of the, 585;
Yankee school-teachers in, 557.
Arica, battle of, 353.
Aristocracy, Mexican, 3, 5, 17, 32.
Army, Costa Rican, 206.
Asuncion, architecture in, 640;
market-place of, 642;
palace of Lopez in, 638;
ruins in, 637.
Aztecs, religion of, 32.
Bahia Blanca, 547.
Balmaceda, President of Chili, 495.
Bananas, shipment of from Costa Rica, 198.
Banda Occidental, 592;
Oriental, ibid.
Banner, Pizarro’s, 276.
Barillas, President of Guatemala, 113.
Barranquilla, port of, 231.
Barrios, appeals for approval to foreign nations, 107;
becomes President of Guatemala, 81;
coup-d’État of, 103;
death and will, his, 112;
personal character of, 100;
progressive policy of, 82;
Protestant work in Guatemala, his, 86;
tragedy at theatre through banner bearing name of, 111;
visits the United States, 107.
Barrios, Mrs., residence in New York, 87.
Blanco, Guzman, 269, 286, 291;
statues of, 258, 272, 287.
Bogota, altitude of, 244;
journalism in, 249;
journey to, 238;
merchants of, 250;
miraculous image of, 254;
policemen in, 247;
population of, 245;
society in, 248.
Bogran, President of Honduras, 117.
Bolivar, Simon, Venezuela, 266.
Bolivia, mineral wealth of, 445;
railroad to, 419, 438.
Boulevard, Mexican, 39.
Boulton, Bliss & Dallett, steamers of to Venezuela, 257.
Brazil, commerce of, 675;
customs peculiar to, 664, 668, 670, 672, 674, 676, 692, 696, 701;
discovery of, 687;
emancipation in, 704;
Empress of, 684;
ex-Confederates in, 706;
fight against the Catholic Church in, 690;
German immigration to, 706;
habits of the people of, 701;
history of, 687;
holidays in, 692;
hotels of, 673;
humming-birds of, 668;
imperial family of, 689;
intemperance in, 666;
Isabella, Princess of, 689;
natives of Minas in, 705;
negroes in, ibid.;
nobility of, 676;
policemen of, 698;
politics in, 688, 703;
railroad system of, 680;
school system of, 678;
slavery problem in, 702;
sunrise in, 698;
sunset in, ibid.
Buenos Ayres, American dentists in, 560;
banks of, 554;
cathedral of, 566;
commercial disadvantages of, 549;
enterprise in, 549, 559;
Hale, Samuel B., merchant of, 562;
Halsey, Thomas Lloyd, introducer of sheep and cattle into, 563;
harbor of, 548;
hotels of, 566;
landing at, 548;
municipal statistics of, 559;
newspapers of, 555;
origin of, 543;
photographers in, 560;
post-office of, 559;
theatres of, 555;
tomb of Saint-Martin in, 566;
voyage to, 543;
Wheelwright, Wm., builder of first railroad in, 562;
Winslow, the forger, in, 562.
Caceres, General, 392, 395.
Callao, city of, 417;
painter, the, 416;
port of, 353.
Camino Real (Royal Highway), Colombia, 240.
Caracas, Americans in, 282;
earthquakes in, 265;
railroad to, 261;
situation of, 265.
Carera, Dictator of Guatemala, 80.
Carriages, Mexican, 39.
Cartago, Costa Rica, destruction of, 200.
Carthagena, city of, 226;
cathedral of, 228;
fortifications of, 231;
Inquisition in, 227;
Kingsley’s (Charles) description of, 226;
miraculous pulpit of, 228;
preserved saint of, 229.
Carts, peculiar, Nicaragua, 142.
Castro, Don Jesus Maria, 222.
Central America, cable telegraph in, 107.
Cerro del Pasco, mines of, 404.
Chamber of Deputies, Mexican, 21.
Chapultepec, castle of, 5, 43.
Charity, Mexican, 56.
Chasquis, vocation of, 440.
Chili, army of Peru in, 392;
Balmaceda, President of, 495;
character of the people of, 458, 472, 475, 480;
coal-mines in, 488;
commerce of, 455, 457;
climate of, 464;
coca-chewing in, 479;
customs peculiar to, 458, 461-464, 469, 472, 475, 480, 483, 484, 498;
earthquakes in, 483, 499;
English colony, an, 542;
farming in, 489, 502;
female street-car conductors of, 458, 461;
horseback-riding in, 503;
hotels of, 472;
intemperance in, 458;
Irish characteristics of the people of, 474;
journey from, to Argentine Republic, 506, 510;
Liberal party in, 493;
marriage in, 494;
Meiggs, Henry, in, 463, 467;
nomenclature peculiar to, 483;
penitentas of, 462;
peonage in, 489, 502;
plunder from Peru in, 471;
political struggle in, 493;
Presidential election in, 495;
Protestantism in, 496;
railway facilities of, 464, 480;
Romanism in, 493;
rotos of, 479;
saddle of, 504;
scenery in, 509;
“SeÑor May” in, 499;
shoes of natives of, 484;
shops of, 465;
soldiers of, 352, 479;
Stars and Stripes in, 454;574.
Gonzalez, Gil, Conqueror of Nicaragua, 154.
Gonzalez, President of Mexico, 22, 26.
Good Friday, celebration of in Mexico, 49.
Government of Nicaragua, 169.
Grace, M. P., his Peruvian contracts, 401, 403.
Grau, Admiral, in Peru, 437.
Grenada, city of, 165.
Guadalupe, cathedral of, 18;
legend of, ibid.;
treaty at, 21.
Guanaco, the, 427, 540.
Guatemala, assassination plots in, 88;
Barrios, President of, 75, 81;
Carera, Dictator of, 80;
Church domination in, 79;
Church overthrown in, 81;
cochineal cultivation in, 75;
commercial condition of, 98;
costumes of natives of, 89;
couriers in, 92;
customs peculiar to, 88, 97-99;
diplomatic complication in, 103;
earthquakes in, 73;
first capital of, 64;
Hill, Rev. John C., missionary in, 85;
hotels in, 96;
military law in, 95;
monasteries in, 74;
Morazan, Dictator of, 80;
Old, 63;
peasants’ costumes in, 88, 90;
photographers in, 98;
policemen in, 95;
Protestant work in, 84;
railroad system of, 99;
ruins in, 67;
schools in, 82;
second city of, 70;
view of the city of, 61;
volcanic eruption in, 67.
Guayaquil, appearance of, 300;
commerce of, 330;
foreigners in, 305, 311;
founding of, 304;
journey to Quito from, 309, 318;

latitude and longitude of, 299;
street-cars in, 300, 302;
tropical vegetation near, 302, 313.
Gunning, Doctor, in Brazil, 686.
Hacks, Mexican, 40.
Hale, Samuel B., Buenos Ayres, 562.
Hall, Henry C., U. S. Minister to Guatemala, 107.
Halsey, Thomas Lloyd, Buenos Ayres, 563.
Harbor of Buenos Ayres, 548;
of Valparaiso, 454.
Hats, Panama, 345.
Highest town in the world, 423.
Hill, Rev. John C., missionary in Guatemala, 85.
Honda, port of, 234, 238.
Honduras, agriculture in, 122;
Bogran, President of, 117;
climate of, 114;
commercial condition of, 115;
conquest of, 114;
how to reach, 117;
Interoceanic Railway in, 118;
manufacture of chocolate in, 132;
medicinal plants in, 123;
mineral wealth of, 127;
Morazan, President of, 135;
rivers of, 124;
schools in, 134;
shopping in, 133;
Soto’s (Marco A.) flight from, 117;
telegraph in, 125;
transportation facilities in, 124, 127, 131.
Horseback-riding in Chili, 503;
in Mexico, 37.
Horsemen of Argentine Republic, 556, 570.
“Huascar,” Peruvian gun-boat, 437.
Humboldt in Venezuela, 262.
Hurlbut, General, and the Peruvian-Chilian war, 388.
Ice in Mexico, 42.
Iglesias, Don Miguel, 396.
Illiniani Volcano, Bolivia, 443.
Immigration resisted in Nicaragua, 149.
Inca Empire, origin of the, 429.
Incas, ancient highways of the, 439;
cemeteries of the, 413;
devotion of to their king, 328;
gold buried by the, 326;
mummies of the, 414;
peculiarities of the, 329, 336;
relics of the, 411;
riches of the, 325, 431;
women of the, 374.
“Inca’s Head,” the, 323.
Indians of Patagonia, 518, 530.
Iodine, how made in Peru, 434.
Isabella, Princess of Brazil, 689.
Journalism in Bogata, 249.
Journey from Santiago to Buenos Ayres, 506, 510.
Juan Fernandez, Island of, 451.
Juarez, birthplace of, 30;
family in Mexico, 17;
President of Mexico, 31.
Kingsley, Charles, on Carthagena, Colombia, 226;
on South American scenery, 264;
on effect of coca-leaves, 479.
Ladies, Mexican, 38.
La Guayra, city of, 257.
La Libertad, port of, 171.
La Paz, Alameda of, 444;
cathedral of, 443;
city of, 442.
La Plata, city of, 569.
La Silla Mountain, Venezuela, 261.
Leon, city of, 152, 157.
Lerdo, President of Mexico, 26, 31.
Liberal party, success of, in Mexico, 3, 17.
Liebig, Doctor, 589.
Lima, architecture of, 386;
benevolent institutions of, 385;
bull-fighting in, 382;
churches and monasteries in, 356, 361;
city of, founded, 355;
devastation of by the Chilians, 365;
Inca women of, 374;
manta of the women of, 370;
milk peddlers in, 382;
newspapers of, 386;
pawnshops of, 377;
population of, 355, 361;
Protestantism in, 361;
residence of Henry Meiggs in, 368;
Santa Rosa of, 357;
shops in, 385;
social condition of, 377;
women of, 368, 380.
Limon, port of, 197.
Lincoln, town of, 569.
Lopez I., II., Presidents of Paraguay, 623, 624.
Lota, town of, 488, 490.
Love-making, Mexican, 34.
Lynch, Admiral, of Chili, 392.
Lynch, Patrick, of Chili, 475.
Macuto, the Newport of Venezuela, 291.
Magdalena River, the, 232, 234, 237.
Magellan, Strait of, glaciers in the, 517;
post-office of, 522;
wreck of steamship “Cordillera” in, 524.
Managua, city of, 166;
Lake, 168.
Mandioca root, the, 648.
Manta of Peru, romance of the, 372.
Marimba, the, 214.
Marriages, civil, in Mexico, 53.
Maximilian in Mexico, 10.
Meiggs, Henry, career of in Chili, 463, 467;
in Peru, 402.
Mexico, aristocracy of, 3, 5, 9, 17, 32;
Aztec civilization in, 5;
bull-fighting in, 43;
Catholic prejudices in 58;
Church restrictions in, 4, 17;
Congress of, 22;
curious customs in, 1, 18, 34, 36, 37, 39, 40, 42, 49, 53;
decay of Catholicism in, 3;
Easter Sunday in, 50;
former rulers of, 6, 17;
funeral customs in, 34;
Gonzales, President of, 22, 26;
horseback riding in, 37;
ice in, 42;
intemperance in, 40;
marriage in, 34, 53;
missionary work in, 56, 58;
names of streets in, 36;
pawn-shops in, 54;
police system of, 42;
political struggles in, 3, 17, 21, 26;
post-offices of, 2;
priests of, 4;
Protestant work in, 57;
pulque-drinking in, 40;
religious festivities in, 49;
religious struggles in, 3, 17, 21, 26;
religious superstitions in, 18;
revolution of students in, 26;
Senate of, 21;
shopping in, 39;
smoking in, 37;
social customs in, 37;
steamship subsidies in, 3;
street-cars in, 37;
wedding in, 54.
Middleton, British Minister to Venezuela, 265.
Miraculous candlestick, the, 418.
Misery of Peru, Blaine responsible for, 388.
Misti Volcano, Bolivia, 420.
Molino del Rey, battle-field of, 43.
Mollendo, town of, 419.
Monte de Piedad of Mexico, the, 54.
Montevideo, bay of, 605;
city of, 548, 602, 609.
Montezuma, descendants of, 6.
Morazan, Dictator of Guatemala, 80, 135, 136.
Moreno, President of Ecuador, 318, 319.
Mummies, eyes of, 415.
National Palace of Nicaragua, 167.
Navigation Company, The Pacific, 298.
Ne groes in Brazil, 705.
Newspapers of Buenos Ayres, 555;
of Lima, 386;
of Montevideo, 616;
South American, ibid.
Nicaragua, agriculture in, 151;
baptism of volcanoes in, 161;
capitals of, 138, 152, 166;
cities of, 138;
commercial condition of, 151;
Congress of, 169;
earthquakes in, 164;
Government of, 169;
holidays in, 160;
immigration resisted in, 149;
National Palace of, 167;
origin of name of, 154;
peculiar customs in, 141, 161;
people of, 137;
principal seaport of, 140;
railroads in, 141;
rubber, how it is gathered in, 146;
social restrictions in, 159;
subjugation of, 154;
suffrage restricted in, 169;
timber resources of, 145;
transportation facilities in, 141;
Walker, the filibuster, in, 152, 165.
Nitrate deposits of Peru, 430.
Nobility of Brazil, 676.
Nomenclature, peculiar, in Chili, 483.
NuÑez, President of Colombia, 256.
Officials, Peruvian, 346.
O’Higgins, Bernard, Liberator of Chili, 475.
Old Guatemala, its wealth and influence, 63.
Opera-house of Caracas, 271;
of Santiago, 470.
Orchids in Colombia, 252.
Oroya Railroad, Peru, 403.
Ostrich-hunting in Patagonia, 538, 540.
Ox-carts in Costa Rica, employment of, 212.
Palaces, Mexican, 30, 32.
Paraguay, capital of, 636;
cattle-raising in, 658;
commerce of, 633;
customs peculiar to, 636, 638, 642, 645, 649, 651, 652;
Francia, “Perpetual President” of, 623;
8-h-15.htm.html#page_466" class="pginternal">466;
Catholicism in, 493;
church catastrophe in, 496;
Church struggles in, 493;
climate of, 464;
coal-mines at, 488;
Cousino, Donna Isadora, Croesus of, 487;
cuaca dance in, 469;
earthquakes in, 483, 499;
Exposition buildings in, 470;
farming in, 489, 502;
home for foundlings in, 463;
horseback riding in, 503;
hotels of, 472;
journey from Buenos Ayres to, 506, 510;
Liberal party in, 493;
marriage in, 494;
men of Irish descent in, 475;
nomenclature peculiar to, 483;
opera-house in, 470;
peonage in, 503;
plunder from Peru in, 471;
political struggle in, 493;
Presidential election in, 495;
Protestantism in, 496;
railroad facilities of, 464, 481;
railroad from to Buenos Ayres, 510;
Santa Lucia Park in, 467;
“SeÑor May” in, 499;
shops of, 465;
superstition in, 499;

women of, 458, 461, 472, 484, 498.
Santos, President of Uruguay, 593, 613.
Sarmiento, ex-President of Argentine Republic, 557.
Selkirk, Alexander, on Island of Juan Fernandez, 452.
Sinibaldi, Vice-President of Guatemala, 113.
Sirroche disease, the, 423
Smyth’s Channel, beauty of, 516.
Soldiers, Peruvian, 348.
Soto, De, President of Costa Rica, 222.
Soto, Marco A., President of Honduras, 117.
South America, desert on west coast of, 342;
freight charges on west coast of, 298;
Yankees of, 542.
Sterling, Bishop, missionary work of, 521.
Tapioca, how made in Paraguay, 650.
Taylor, William, his adventure with cannibals in Patagonia, 525.
Tegucigalpa, city of, 128.
Terra del Fuego, cannibalism in, 524;
Indians of, 518;
missionary work in, 521.
Theatre Yturbide, Mexico, 22.
Timber regions of Paraguay, streams in, 656.
Titicaca, Lake, 428.
Tobacco, cultivation of in Paraguay, 655.
Tropical vegetation, beauty of near Guayaquil, 302.
Tropics, fleas in the, 260.
Tumbez, petroleum deposits near, 344.
Tunguragua Volcano, Ecuador, 324.
Union of Central America, plan, etc., 104, 106-108.
United States, trade with Argentine Republic, 553.
University of Argentine Republic, 556;
of Costa Rica, 218;
of Venezuela, 272.
Uruguay, architecture of, 607;
army of, 610;
beggars of, 610;
birth statistics of, 598;
Catholic Church in, 612, 615;
cattle in, 600, 602;
censorship of the press in, 620;
commerce of, 600;
customs peculiar to, 603, 607, 609-611, 615, 618, 620;
decay of Romanism in, 612, 615;
growth of, 596;
ignorance concerning, 591;
living cheap in, 598;
Methodist Church in, 615;
mining in, 592;
newspapers in, 616;
population of, 599;
Protestantism in, 612;
railroad system of, 599;
resources of, 596, 598;
revolution in, 592;
Santos, President of, 593, 613;
Vidal, President of, 596;
wealth of, 599, 600;
women of, 607;
Wood, Rev. Thomas, in, 614;
wool product of, 601.
Valparaiso, character of people of, 458, 472, 475, 480;
city of, 456;
commerce of, 455, 457;
customs peculiar to, 458, 461-464, 469, 472, 475, 480, 483, 487, 498;
female street-car conductors in, 458, 461;
harbor of, 454;
intemperance in, 458;
the prejudice against United States in, 454;
steamship communication with, 456, 480, 488;
women of, 461.
Venezuela, architecture of, 273, 284;
Blanco, Guzman, Dictator of, 269, 286, 291;
Bolivar, Simon, exiled from, 266;
Boulton, Bliss & Dallett’s steamers to, 257;
burial customs in, 280;
chocolate production in, 294;
coffee plantations in, 293;
Congress of, 274;
customs peculiar to, 270, 271, 273, 276, 277, 280, 281, 284, 292;
downfall of Romish Church in, 277, 290;
Federal Palace of, 272;
Humboldt in, 262;
Middleton, British Minister to, 265;
political progress in, 266;
population of, 266;
ruins of old Spanish forts in, 259;
schools of, 270;
social customs of, 281, 284;
telephones in, 271;
University of, 272;
voyage from New York to, 257;
women of, 281;
Yellow House, official residence of the President of, 275.
Venezuelan independence, relics of, 276.
VicuÑa, the, 423.
Vidal, President of Uruguay, 596.
Walker, filibuster, in Nicaragua, 152, 165.
War with Brazil and the Argentine Republic, Paraguay’s, 625;
with Chili, Peru’s, 388, 434.
Washington, town of, 569.
Watering-place, the Venezuelan, 291.
Wheelwright, Wm., in Buenos Ayres, 562.
Winslow, the forger, in Buenos Ayres, 562.
Wood, Rev. Thomas, missionary in, Uruguay, 614.
World, highest town in the, 423.
Yellow House, Venezuela, 275.
Yerba mate of Paraguay, 651.
Yturbide, family of, 9;
romance of, 13;
Theatre, 22.
Yzalco Volcano, San Salvador, 179, 188.



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Typographical errors corrected by the etext transcriber:
the temperaature of Guayaquil? the temperature of Guayaquil {pg 309}
This is the ofcial paper? This is the oficial paper {pg 340}
from Alahualpa’s army? from Atahualpa’s army {pg 344}
finds it way to the sea? finds its way to the sea {pg 436}
“Calle Viente y Cinco de Mayo”? “Calle Veinte y Cinco de Mayo” {pg 609}
jefe polico? jefe politico {pg 617}


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