INDEX. (2)


In which the English Names of the Plants contained in the Thirteenth Volume are alphabetically arranged.

466 Allspice, Japan.
455 Aloe, cushion.
457 Aloe, fan.
441 Antholyza, dwarf.
458 Aristea, grass-leaved.
433 Azalea, yellow.
444 Bell-flower, canary.
459 Bindweed, silvery-leaved.
451 Blakea, three-ribbed.
442 Broom, flax-leaved.
450 Corn-Flag, Watson's.
452 Cuckow-Flower, three-leav'd.
449 Dillenia, shewy.
456 Diosma, serrated or saw-leaved.
467 Dragon's Head, virginian.
463 Epidendrum, fringed.
448 Fig-Marygold, glittering.
435 Gnaphalium or Everlasting, heath-leaved.
447 Heath, crowberry-leaved.
443 Heath, sticky-flowered.
440 Heath, pallid.
436 Hibiscus, bitten-leaved.
438 Hydrangea, garden.
437 Hydrangea, shrubby.
461 Jasmine, yellow.
439 Illicium, red-flowered or Aniseed tree.
454 Indian Reed or Shot, common.
465 Indigo, narrow-leaved.
453 Lily, Mexican.
460 Maurandya or Bastard Foxglove, climbing.
468 Œnothera, white-flowered.
462 Pellitory of Spain.
446 Psoralea, oval-spiked.
445 Senna, scorpion.
464 Sisyrinchium, grass-leaved.
434 Umbrella Wort, viscid.

London: Printed by STEPHEN COUCHMAN, Throgmorton-Street.


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