[452] Cardamine Trifolia. Three-Leaved Cuckow-Flower.


Class and Order.

Tetradynamia Siliquosa.

Generic Character.

Siliqua elastice dissiliens valvulis revolutis. Stigma integrum. Cal. subhians.

Specific Character and Synonyms.

CARDAMINE trifolia foliis ternatis obtusis, caule subnudo. Linn. Syst. Vegetab. ed. 14. Murr. p. 593. Ait. Kew. v. 2. p. 387.

NASTURTIUM alpinum trifolium. Bauh. Pin. 104.

CARDAMINE trifolia. Trefoile Ladies smockes. Parkins. Parad. p. 389.


Such as are attached to the smaller alpine plants, will regard this species of Cardamine as worthy a place in their collections; one would scarcely have expected to find it in Parkinson's Parad. yet there it is described, and the following account given of its introduction: "It was sent me by my especial good friend John Tradescante, who brought it among other dainty plants from beyond the seas, and imparted thereof a root to me."

This species is perennial, hardy, and of very humble growth; the leaves grow thickly together, forming a kind of tuft; the flowering stems rarely rise above the height of six inches, and produce on their summits numerous flowers, waved on their edges; all those which we have had an opportunity of seeing have been perfectly white, Parkinson and Haller describe them as being sometimes tinged with red or purple; they begin to appear towards the end of March and continue through April, the shelter of a hand-glass open at top is often necessary to protect and improve the flowering of this and other such early-blowing plants.

It grows readily either in a pot or in the open border, succeeds best when planted in bog earth in a situation moderately moist and shady, and is readily increased by parting its roots, which are somewhat of the creeping kind.

Grows spontaneously in most of the northern parts of Europe, especially Lapland, Switzerland, and Austria.



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