[451] Blakea Trinervia. Three-Ribbed Blakea.


Class and Order.

Dodecandria Monogynia.

Generic Character.

Cal. inferus, 6-phyllus, superus, integer. Petala 6. Capsula 6-locularis, polysperma.

Specific Character and Synonyms.

BLAKEA trinervia bicalyculata, foliis enerviis transversim subtilissime striatis. Linn. Suppl. p. 246. Syst. Veg. ed. 14. Murr. p. 442.

BLAKEA foliis ellipticis trinerviis nitidis, floribus lateralibus. Brown. Jam. 323. t. 35. The wild Rose.


"This vegetable is certainly one of the most beautiful productions of America. It is but a weakly plant at first, and supports itself for a time by the help of some neighbouring shrub or tree; but it grows gradually more robust, and at length acquires a pretty moderate stem, which divides into a thousand weakly declining branches, well supplied with beautiful rosy blossoms on all sides that give it a most pleasing appearance in the season.

"It is chiefly found in cool, moist, and shady places, and grows generally to the height of ten or fourteen feet; but rises always higher when it remains a climber, in which state it continues sometimes. It thrives best on the sides of ponds or rivulets, and those that would choose to have it flourish in their gardens, where it must naturally make a very elegant appearance, ought to supply it with some support while it continues young and weakly.

"It is called Blakea, after Mr. Martin Blake, of Antigua, a great promoter of every sort of useful knowledge, and a gentleman to whose friendship the Natural History of Jamaica chiefly owes its early appearance." Brown's Jamaic.

Our figure was drawn from a very fine healthy plant which flowered in the collection of Lady Downe, at her villa of Bookham-Grove, near Leatherhead, in April 1799; though not enumerated in the Hortus Kewensis, it had produced blossoms in several other collections near town long before this period; those when they once expand are of short duration, but the foliage when healthy is always handsome.

It is usually kept in the stove with other Jamaica plants, and propagated by layers.

We cannot see the propriety of applying foliis enerviis to the description of this species, since LinnÆus himself, in his Sp. Pl. describes the leaves as trinervia; three strong ribs they always have, and usually two others near the margin which are finer.



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