Class and Order. Icosandria Pentagynia. Generic Character. Cal. 5-fidus. Petala numerosa, linearia. Caps. carnosa, infera, polysperma. Specific Character and Synonyms. MESEMBRYANTHEMUM micans foliis subcylindricis papulosis distinctis, caule scabro. Linn. Syst. Veg. ed. 14. Murr. p. 470. Ait. Kew. v. 2. p. 190. MESEMBRYANTHEMUM micans flore phoeniceo: filamentis atris. Dill. Elth. 292. t. 215. f. 1282. FICOIDES capensis, tereti folio, flore croceo. Pet. gaz. t. 7. f. 9. FICOIDES capensis, folio tereti argenteo, petalis perplurimis aurantiacis. Bradl. Succ. 1. p. 9. t. 8. 448 No448. The Mesembryanthemum micans, so called from the glittering particles which are conspicuous on its stalks and leaves, is a species which has long been introduced to our gardens (having been cultivated by Prof. Bradley in 1716) for the beauty of its flowers, which in richness of colour are indeed surpassed by few; they are produced in the months of July and August, but do not expand fully, unless the sun shines powerfully on them; nor do they long retain that regular expansion observable in some species, but quickly assume a somewhat ragged appearance; nevertheless, upon the whole, it is one of those species which is highly deserving of culture, by those who are partial to this tribe of plants. It is a native of the Cape, and readily propagated by cuttings. Varies with flowers of a paler hue. |