[444] Canarina Campanula. Canary Bell-Flower.


Class and Order.

Hexandria Monogynia.

Generic Character.

Cal. 6-phyllus. Cor. 6-fida, campanulata. Stigmata 6. Caps. infera, 6-locularis, polysperma.

Specific Character and Synonyms.

CANARINA Campanula caule erecto, foliis hastatis ternis oppositisve. Martyn Mill. Dict. Linn. Syst. Veg. ed. 14. Murr. p. 344. Ait. Kew. v. 1. p. 480. Linn. Mant. p. 225.

CAMPANULA canariensis capsulis quinquelocularibus, foliis hastatis dentatis oppositis petiolatis. Linn. Sp. Pl. ed. 3. p. 238.

CAMPANULA canariensis regia s. medium radice tuberosa, foliis sinuatis cÆsiis atriplicis Æmulis ternis circum caulem ambientibus, flore amplo pendulo colore flammeo rutilante. Pluk. Alm. 76. t. 276. f. 1.


The flowers of this plant so strongly resemble those of the Campanula, that it is no wonder the older Botanists regarded it as such, LinnÆus himself did so at first, and Miller also; and even now it may perhaps be doubted whether it ought to be made a distinct genus of, since it is found to differ principally in the number of its parts of fructification.

It is a native of the Canary Islands, whence its name, was cultivated in the royal garden, Hampton-Court, as long since as the year 1696[1], and is a tender herbaceous plant, to be found in most of our greenhouses; its stem rises to the height of six or more feet, its flowers produced singly from the fork of the stalk are large and shewy, they begin to open at the commencement of winter, and continue to blow till March.

"Is propagated by parting of its roots, which must be done with caution; for, as the root is fleshy, if they are broken or wounded, the milky juice will flow out plentifully; so that if these are planted before the wounds are skinned over, it occasions their rotting: the best time for transplanting and parting of their roots is in July, soon after the stalks are decayed; the soil should he a light sandy loam, mixed with a fourth part of screened lime rubbish." Miller.

[1] Ait. Kew.



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