Class and Order. Octandria Monogynia. Generic Character. Cal. 4-phyllus. Cor. 4-fida. Filamenta receptaculo inserta. AntherÆ apice bifidÆ, pertusÆ. Caps. 4-locularis, 4-valvis, polysperma. Specific Character and Synonyms. ERICA albens antheris muticis inclusis, corollis ovatis oblongis acutis, foliis ternis, racemis secundis. Linn. Syst. Vegetab. Murr. ed. 14. p. 367. Mant. 233. ERICA albens mutica, foliis ternis trigonis pilosis, floribus lateralibus, calyce villoso. Thunb. Prodr. p. 70. 440 No440. This species, a native of the Cape, has been introduced since the publication of the Hort. Kew. and is now to be found in most green-house collections near town. In its habit, its foliage, and its flowers, it is very distinct from all our other heaths; flowers from April to June, is readily increased by cuttings, and easily kept with the common treatment. |