[437] Hydrangea Arborescens. Shrubby Hydrangea.


Class and Order.

Decandria Digynia.

Generic Character.

Caps. 2-locularis, 2-rostris, infera, foramine inter stylos dehiscens.

Specific Character and Synonyms.

HYDRANGEA arborescens caule arboreo. Linn. Syst. Nat. ed. 13. Gmel. Syst. Veget. ed. 14. Murr. p. 410. Ait. Kew. v. 2. p. 76.

ANONYMOS floribus albis parvis, in umbella lata magna dispositis odoratis, foliis amplis acuminatis serratis pediculis insidentibus ex adverso binis, caule fruticoso prÆalto non ramoso, vasculo parvo, bicapsulari, seminibus minutissimis repleto, duobus parvis filamentis seu corniculis recurvis coronato. Clayt. n. 79. Mill. Icon. t. 251. Duham. Arb. 1. t. 3.


As a shrub commonly cultivated for ornament in our gardens and plantations, the Hydrangea arborescens has a right to appear in this work, nevertheless it is more with a view to illustrate a peculiar character of the genus that it is here figured.

This shrub is a native of Virginia, and was introduced in 1736, by P. Collinson, Esq. it is of low growth, rarely exceeding four feet in height; its flowers are produced on the summits of the branches, somewhat in the manner of the Laurustinus; they are small, crowded, nearly white, with a tinge of red in them which is not very brilliant, and some fragrance; they are produced in July and August, and sometimes followed by ripe seeds here.

Is easily propagated by parting its roots the latter end of October, prefers a moist soil, but will grow in a dry one; if in severe frosts the stalks, which are rather soft, should be killed, new ones will be put up the following Spring.



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