Class and Order. Monadelphia Polyandria. Generic Character. Cal. duplex: exterior polyphyllus. Caps. 5-locularis, polysperma. Specific Character and Synonyms. HIBISCUS prÆmorsus foliis subrotundis, dentato-serratis retusis pubescentibus. Ait. Kew. v. 2. 454. HIBISCUS prÆmorsus hirsutus, foliis ovatis basi angustato-cordatis apice prÆmorsis crenatis, calycibus tomentosis, seminibus tuberculatis. Linn. Suppl. Pl. p. 309. PAVONIA cuneifolia. Cavan. Diff. 3. p. 139. t. 45. f. 1. URENA prÆmorsa. L'Herit. Stirp. nov. t. 51. 436 No436. Though not so shewy a plant as many of the genus, we find this species of Hibiscus in most collections of green-house plants about London, flowering from June to September. Its foliage is singular, its blossoms sulphur coloured with a tint of orange on the under side and without scent; if suffered to grow, this shrub will acquire a considerable height; it seeds freely, by which the plant is readily increased, and by these it requires to be renewed once in two or three years. Is a native of the Cape, from whence it was introduced, by Mr. Masson, in 1774. Ait. Kew. It will be seen by the synonyms, that authors have been divided in their opinions as to the genus of this plant; LinnÆus the younger, in his Suppl. makes it an Hibiscus; Cavanille, a Pavonia; L'Heritier, an Urena; Mr. Aiton, an Hibiscus; not partial to the multiplying of genera, unless there be an obvious necessity for it, we have in the present instance followed the first and last of these writers. |