William Curtis
325—Justicia nasuta.
326—Mesembryanthemum viridiflorum.
327—Chrysanthemum indicum.
328—Trifolium incarnatum.
329—Ononis natrix.
330—Sida Cristata.
331—Kalmia angustifolia.
332—Oenothera fruticosa.
333—Cerinthe major.
334—Hypericum monogynum.
335—Ononis rotundifolia.
336—Lotus hirsutus.
337—Prunella grandiflora.
338—Allamanda cathartica.
339—Arum trilobatum.
340—Polygala Heisteria.
341—Scilla amÆna.
342—Erica persoluta.
343—Antholyza Cunonia.
344—Aspalathus pedunculata.
345—Polygala bracteolata.
346—Protea mellifera.
347—Oenothera rosea.
348—Calceolaria Fothergillii.
349—Solanum laciniatum.
350—Erica ventricosa.
351—Saxifraga mutata.
352—Oenothera purpurea.
353—Mahernia incisa.
354—Mimulus aurantiacus.
355—Oenothera pumila.
356—Erica Massoni.
357—Briza maxima.
358—Erica baccans.
359—Convolvulus althÆoides.
360—Hibiscus speciosus.
INDEX—Latin Names of the Plants.
INDEX—English Names of the Plants.
INDEX—Latin Names of the Plants contained in the first Ten Volumes.
INDEX—English Names of the Plants contained in the first Ten Volumes.
INDEX—Hardy Trees contained in the first Ten Volumes.
INDEX—Hardy Shrubs contained in the first Ten Volumes.
INDEX—Hardy Herbaceous Perennial Plants contained in the first Ten Volumes.
INDEX—Annual and Biennial Plants contained in the first Ten Volumes.
INDEX—Greenhouse Plants contained in the first Ten Volumes
INDEX—Stove Plants contained in the first Ten Volumes
INDEX—Plants contained in the first Ten Volumes arranged according to the System of