Vol. | Pag. | |
4 | 134 | Adonis spring. |
5 | 173 | Aitonia cape. |
10 | 338 | Allamanda willow-leaved. |
5 | 161 | Almond dwarf. |
4 | 125 | Alstroemeria striped-flowered. |
4 | 139 | —— spotted flowered. |
4 | 130 | Alyssum bladder-podded. |
4 | 126 | —— purple. |
3 | 101 | —— sweet. |
5 | 159 | —— yellow. |
9 | 305 | Amaryllis Barbadoes. |
9 | 294 | —— Guernsey. |
2 | 47 | —— Jacobean. |
4 | 129 | —— superb. |
9 | 290 | —— yellow. |
2 | 54 | Anemone Snow-drop. |
4 | 123 | —— star. |
9 | 318 | Anthericum Savoy. |
10 | 343 | Antholyza scarlet-flowered. |
8 | 267 | Apple tree Chinese. |
5 | 174 | Archangel balm-leav'd. |
10 | 339 | Arum three-lobed |
10 | 344 | Aspalathus small-leaved. |
6 | 199 | Aster alpine. |
1 | 33 | —— bristly-leaved. |
5 | 180 | Azalea scarlet. |
6 | 208 | Balm great-flowered. |
4 | 117 | Bell-flower Carpatian. |
7 | 252 | —— great-flowered. |
4 | 113 | Bindweed purple. |
6 | 181 | Bladder-senna scarlet. |
3 | 81 | —— common. |
8 | 276 | Blite strawberry. |
3 | 77 | Blue-bottle greater. |
8 | 274 | Borbonia heart-leaved. |
4 | 132 | Bramble dwarf. |
3 | 85 | Broom Spanish. |
1 | 34 | Browallia tall. |
7 | 217 | Buchnera clammy. |
5 | 174 | Buddlea round-headed. |
5 | 153 | Bulbocodium vernal. |
2 | 42 | Camellia rose. |
4 | 124 | Candy-tuft Gibraltar. |
3 | 106 | —— purple. |
9 | 291 | Caper Shrub. |
3 | 107 | Cassia dwarf. |
9 | 293 | Catananche blue. |
4 | 114 | Catchfly pendulous. |
4 | 131 | CatesbÆa thorny. |
6 | 210 | Celsia linear-leaved. |
2 | 43 | Centaurea woad-leaved. |
1 | 17 | Cereus creeping. |
7 | 233 | Chironia berry-bearing. |
2 | 37 | —— shrubby. |
10 | 327 | Chrysanthemum indian. |
7 | 249 | Cineraria blue-flowered. |
2 | 53 | —— woolly. |
8 | 264 | Cistus beautiful. |
4 | 112 | —— gum. |
2 | 43 | —— hoary, or rose. |
2 | 65 | Clematis, or Virgin's-bower, entire-leaved. |
1 | 24 | Cockle rose. |
9 | 295 | —— smooth-leaved. |
3 | 84 | Colts-foot alpine. |
7 | 246 | Columbine Canadian. |
6 | 188 | Convolvulus azure. |
9 | 289 | —— narrow-leaved. |
1 | 27 | —— small. |
10 | 359 | —— silky-leaved. |
5 | 156 | Coreopsis whorled. |
3 | 86 | Corn-flag common. |
8 | 272 | —— square-leaved. |
4 | 135 | —— superb. |
8 | 258 | Coronilla purple. |
6 | 185 | —— rue-leaved. |
1 | 13 | —— sea-green. |
6 | 203 | Crane's-bill angular-stalked. |
5 | 148 | —— birch-leaved. |
4 | 143 | —— clammy. |
8 | 261 | —— flesh-coloured. |
5 | 165 | —— heart-leaved. |
9 | 315 | —— horn leaved. |
3 | 103 | —— sorrel. |
6 | 201 | —— two-coloured. |
7 | 240 | —— three-coloured. |
1 | 35 | Crepis bearded. |
2 | 45 | Crocus spring. |
5 | 164 | Crow-foot grass-leaved. |
6 | 204 | —— mountain. |
8 | 266 | —— plantain-leaved. |
6 | 215 | —— upright double. |
6 | 194 | Crown imperial. |
9 | 300 | Cudweed giant. |
1 | 4 | Cyclamen round-leaved. |
2 | 44 | —— Persian. |
8 | 271 | Cyrtanthus narrow-leaved. |
8 | 255 | Cytisus common. |
2 | 51 | Daffodil great. |
1 | 6 | —— lesser. |
4 | 121 | —— peerless. |
2 | 48 | —— reflexed. |
5 | 147 | Dais cotinus-leaved. |
7 | 228 | Daisy great double. |
9 | 313 | Daphne trailing. |
2 | 64 | Day-lily tawny. |
1 | 19 | —— yellow. |
8 | 273 | Diosma one-flowered. |
7 | 218 | Disandra trailing. |
9 | 298 | Dittany of Crete. |
1 | 12 | Dodecatheon Mead's. |
1 | 5 | Dog's tooth. |
8 | 280 | Dog's-bane tutsan-leav'd. |
5 | 170 | Draba sengreen. |
6 | 214 | Dragon's-head toothed. |
5 | 152 | Epidendrum two-leaved. |
9 | 310 | Erinus alpine. |
7 | 241 | Fagonia cretan. |
1 | 22 | Fennel-flower garden. |
4 | 144 | Ferraria curled. |
2 | 70 | Fig-marigold bearded. |
8 | 262 | —— golden. |
10 | 326 | —— green-flowered. |
1 | 32 | —— hatchet-leaved. |
2 | 67 | —— jagged-leaved. |
2 | 59 | —— two-coloured. |
7 | 234 | Flax tree. |
9 | 312 | —— yellow. |
2 | 39 | Franklin's Tartar. |
3 | 97 | Fuchsia scarlet. |
5 | 179 | Fumitory glaucous. |
7 | 232 | —— hollow-rooted. |
7 | 231 | —— solid-rooted. |
7 | 251 | Garlick purple-headed. |
9 | 314 | Genista triangular-stalked. |
2 | 52 | Gentian large-flowered. |
6 | 200 | Geranium anemone-leaved. |
1 | 18 | —— dwarf. |
1 | 20 | —— ivy-leaved. |
9 | 309 | —— prickly-stalked. |
3 | 95 | —— rasp-leaved. |
2 | 55 | —— striped. |
2 | 56 | —— spear-leaved. |
4 | 136 | —— square-stalked. |
7 | 245 | Germander broad-leaved shrubby. |
7 | 235 | Globe-flower Asiatic. |
8 | 268 | Glycine dingy-flowered. |
8 | 263 | —— purple. |
8 | 270 | —— scarlet. |
8 | 287 | Goodenia smooth. |
3 | 90 | Gorteria rigid-leaved. |
10 | 358 | Heath Arbutus-leaved. |
10 | 342 | —— blush-flowered. |
9 | 303 | —— flask. |
6 | 189 | —— great-flowered. |
1 | 11 | —— herbaceous. |
7 | 220 | —— honeywort-flowered. |
10 | 356 | —— Masson's. |
10 | 350 | —— porcelain. |
8 | 282 | Hedysarum creeping-rooted. |
1 | 8 | Hellebore black. |
2 | 72 | —— livid or purple. |
1 | 3 | —— winter. |
3 | 87 | Henbane golden-flowered. |
1 | 10 | Hepatica. |
9 | 299 | Hermannia alder-leaved. |
9 | 304 | —— lavender-leaved. |
9 | 307 | —— marshmallow-leaved. |
6 | 209 | Hibiscus bladder. |
5 | 158 | —— China rose. |
3 | 83 | —— Syrian. |
10 | 360 | —— superb. |
10 | 333 | Honey-wort great. |
2 | 68 | House-leek cobweb. |
3 | 93 | —— dwarf. |
9 | 296 | —— gouty. |
5 | 157 | Hyacinth grape. |
4 | 122 | —— starch. |
4 | 133 | —— two-coloured. |
1 | 23 | Indian-cress greater. |
3 | 98 | —— small. |
6 | 198 | Indigo white-leaved. |
1 | 15 | —— Jonquil common. |
3 | 78 | —— great. |
7 | 221 | Ipomoea scarlet. |
7 | 244 | —— winged-leaved. |
3 | 91 | Iris chalcedonian. |
1 | 9 | —— dwarf. |
6 | 187 | —— elder-scented. |
1 | 1 | —— persian. |
1 | 21 | —— particoloured. |
5 | 168 | —— peacock. |
2 | 50 | —— Siberian. |
2 | 58 | —— spurious. |
2 | 61 | —— tall. |
1 | 16 | —— variegated. |
4 | 127 | Ixia bending-stalked. |
5 | 171 | —— Chinese. |
8 | 265 | —— crocus-leaved. |
8 | 256 | —— long-flowered. |
6 | 184 | —— saffron-coloured. |
5 | 169 | Ixora scarlet. |
1 | 31 | Jasmine common. |
8 | 285 | —— sweet. |
10 | 325 | Justicia dichotomous. |
5 | 175 | Kalmia broad-leaved. |
5 | 177 | —— glaucous. |
4 | 138 | —— hairy. |
10 | 331 | —— narrow-leaved. |
5 | 176 | Laburnum common. |
3 | 82 | Lachenalia three-coloured. |
3 | 108 | Ladies-finger four-leaved. |
6 | 192 | Ladies-slipper two-leaved. |
6 | 216 | —— white-petal'd. |
3 | 96 | Lantana prickly. |
4 | 115 | Lathyrus blue-flowered. |
8 | 253 | —— jointed-podded. |
4 | 111 | —— tuberous. |
4 | 109 | Lavatera annual. |
2 | 38 | Laurustinus common. |
7 | 230 | Lead-wort rose-coloured. |
6 | 183 | Lilac common. |
7 | 239 | Lily Atamasco. |
8 | 259 | —— Catesby's. |
1 | 30 | —— chalcedonian. |
1 | 36 | —— orange. |
8 | 278 | —— white. |
4 | 116 | Limodorum tuberous-rooted. |
7 | 225 | Lobelia shrubby. |
9 | 320 | —— scarlet. |
8 | 254 | Lopezia Mexican. |
3 | 104 | Loosestrife bulb-bearing. |
3 | 79 | Lotus black-flowered. |
5 | 151 | —— winged. |
10 | 336 | —— hairy. |
5 | 160 | Lungwort Virginian. |
6 | 202 | Lupine perennial. |
4 | 140 | —— yellow. |
5 | 163 | Lychnidea early-flowering. |
7 | 223 | Lychnis Chinese. |
8 | 257 | —— scarlet. |
10 | 353 | Mahernia cut-leaved. |
8 | 277 | —— winged. |
9 | 322 | Manulea woolly. |
5 | 150 | Marigold French. |
9 | 301 | Melianthus small. |
8 | 260 | Metrosideros harsh-leaved. |
7 | 219 | Michauxia rough-leaved. |
1 | 29 | Mignonet. |
9 | 316 | Milkwort box-leaved. |
10 | 340 | —— heath-leaved. |
10 | 345 | —— spear-leaved. |
9 | 302 | Mimosa myrtle-leaved. |
4 | 110 | —— whorled-leaved. |
5 | 145 | Monarda crimson. |
8 | 283 | Monkey-flower narr. leaved. |
10 | 354 | —— orange. |
3 | 73 | Monsonia large-flowered. |
7 | 236 | Mullein borage-leaved. |
7 | 250 | Myrtle woolly-leaved. |
3 | 88 | Narcissus hoop-petticoat. |
6 | 193 | —— narrow-leaved. |
6 | 197 | —— two-flowered. |
1 | 7 | Navel-wort blue. |
9 | 321 | —— round-leaved. |
10 | 349 | Nightshade cut-leaved. |
10 | 355 | Oenothera dwarf. |
10 | 352 | —— purple. |
10 | 347 | —— rose-coloured. |
10 | 332 | —— shrubby. |
6 | 190 | Ornithogalum golden. |
4 | 118 | Orpine evergreen. |
9 | 306 | Othonna wormwood-leaved. |
9 | 292 | Passerina great-flowered. |
1 | 28 | Passion-flower common. |
8 | 288 | —— fringed-leaved. |
2 | 66 | —— winged. |
2 | 60 | Pea sweet. |
3 | 100 | —— Tangier. |
7 | 248 | Periwinkle Madagascar. |
6 | 213 | Persicaria tall. |
7 | 224 | Phylica heath-leaved. |
9 | 319 | Pimpernel Italian. |
1 | 25 | Pink China, or Indian. |
9 | 297 | —— superb. |
8 | 279 | Plumeria red. |
2 | 57 | Poppy eastern. |
7 | 243 | —— prickly. |
8 | 286 | Portlandia great-flowered. |
3 | 75 | Potentilla large-flowered. |
7 | 229 | Primrose lilac double. |
1 | 14 | Primula mountain. |
6 | 191 | —— silver-edged. |
10 | 346 | Protea honey-bearing. |
5 | 162 | Puccoon Canada. |
10 | 357 | Quaking-grass great. |
7 | 238 | Rag-wort purple. |
9 | 323 | Raspberry flowering. |
10 | 335 | Rest-harrow round-leaved. |
9 | 317 | —— shrubby. |
10 | 329 | —— yellow-flowered. |
1 | 29 | Reseda sweet-scented. |
8 | 284 | Rose ever-blowing. |
2 | 69 | —— moss. |
9 | 311 | Robinia rough-stalked. |
1 | 2 | Rudbeckia purple. |
6 | 182 | Sage golden. |
6 | 196 | Saxifrage oval-leaved. |
10 | 351 | —— saffron-coloured. |
3 | 92 | —— strawberry. |
7 | 247 | Scabious sweet. |
4 | 142 | Scorzonera Tangier. |
6 | 186 | Selago oval-headed. |
10 | 337 | Self-heal great-flowered. |
10 | 330 | Sida crested. |
3 | 94 | Sisyrinchium Iris-leaved. |
10 | 334 | St. John's-wort Chinese. |
5 | 178 | —— heath-leaved. |
5 | 146 | —— large-flowered. |
4 | 137 | —— warty. |
10 | 348 | Slipper-wort Fothergill's. |
2 | 41 | —— pinnated. |
2 | 46 | Snow-flake spring. |
5 | 154 | Soap-wort basil. |
2 | 49 | Soldanella alpine. |
5 | 167 | Sophora winged-podded. |
7 | 242 | Speedwell cross-leaved. |
3 | 80 | Spigelia Maryland. |
4 | 128 | Squill bell-flowered. |
10 | 341 | —— Byzantine. |
1 | 26 | Stapelia variegated. |
8 | 269 | Star of Bethlehem Neapolitn. |
5 | 166 | Stock Mediterranean. |
6 | 211 | Stone-crop poplar-leaved. |
2 | 63 | Strawberry one-leaved. |
4 | 119 | Strelitzia Canna-leaved. |
7 | 222 | Struthiola smooth. |
7 | 227 | Sun-flower perennial. |
6 | 207 | Sweet william. |
6 | 212 | Tansey fan-leaved. |
2 | 71 | Thrift purple-cup'd. |
6 | 205 | Toad-flax alpine. |
6 | 200 | —— branching. |
3 | 74 | —— black-flowered. |
3 | 99 | —— purple. |
9 | 324 | —— three-leaved. |
3 | 105 | Tradescantia virginian. |
10 | 328 | Trefoil crimson. |
2 | 40 | Trillium sessile. |
8 | 275 | Tulip-tree common. |
8 | 281 | Turnera narrow-leaved. |
4 | 141 | Turnsole peruvian. |
9 | 308 | Vervain rose. |
3 | 89 | Violet cut-leaved. |
7 | 226 | Wall-cress alpine. |
6 | 195 | Wall-flower changeable. |
3 | 76 | Willow-herb narrowest-leavd. |
5 | 155 | Wood-Sorrel striped-flowered |
7 | 237 | —— goat's-foot. |
5 | 149 | Zinnia many-flowered. |