Erica Baccans. Arbutus-Flowered Heath. Class and Order. Octandria Monogynia. Generic Character.
Specific Character and Synonyms.
No. 358 Seba, a Dutch writer, appears first to have noticed this Heath; he figures it in his Museum, and distinguishes it by the name of Arbutus-flowered, which Mr. Aiton has retained. This very elegant and ornamental species grows to a considerable height, and in favourable situations produces abundance of flowers early in the summer, which are remarkable, though not peculiarly so, for being enveloped with a calyx of same colour. It is a native of the Cape, and was introduced by Mr. Masson in 1774 Is raised from seeds, which it ripens with us more freely than most of the African Heaths, a fortunate circumstance, as it is scarcely possible to strike its cuttings. Seedling plants rarely flower till they are three years old. |