Briza Maxima. Great Quaking Grass. Class and Order. Triandria Digynia. Generic Character.
Specific Character and Synonyms.
No. 357 The Grasses are in general more regarded for utility than ornament, yet in the latter point of view many of them have engaged the attention of the curious, and long held a place in the flower-garden, to which they have a twofold claim, as they not only decorate the garden when fresh, but the mantle-shelf when dry; to these purposes the present species of Briza has long been applied: Johnson tells us, in his time, 1633, "it was sowen yearlely in many of the London gardens." This species, a native of Spain and Italy, blossoms in June and July, and ripens its seeds in August. Where it has once seeded it comes up spontaneously, without the trouble of sowing it; autumnal seedlings make the strongest plants, they are liable however to be cut off in very severe seasons; should that happen, sow more seed in the spring with your other annuals. |