Oenothera Purpurea. Purple Oenothera. Class and Order. Octandria Monogynia. Generic Character.
Specific Character and Synonyms.
No. 352 The species of Oenothera here figured is the one we mentioned in treating of the rosea, a very ornamental species, introduced to the Royal Garden at Kew, from the western coast of North-America, in 1791. It is distinguished by three principal characters, the glaucous appearance of its foliage, the purple hue of its blossoms, and the dark colour of its stigma. It flowers during the months of July and August, and ripens its seeds in September; is an annual of ready growth, and worthy of being more generally introduced to the flower-garden; its seeds should be sown in the spring, with other tender annuals, and the seedlings when of a proper age planted out singly in the open border, where they will acquire the height of two feet, and produce abundance of blossoms which, like those of the rosea, open during the day as well as in the evening. |