

Erica Ventricosa. Porcelain Heath.

Class and Order.

Octandria Monogynia.

Generic Character.

Calyx 4-phyllus. Corolla 4-fida. Filamenta receptaculo inserta. AntherÆ bifidÆ. Caps. 4-locularis.

Specific Character and Synonyms.

ERICA ventricosa mutica, foliis quaternis trigonis ciliatis, floribus ventricosis glabris. Thunb. Prod. Cap. p. 71.

No. 350

Of the many new Heaths which have been introduced within these few years, none have excited greater admiration than the present one; its blossoms, though they cannot boast the grandeur or richness of colour so strikingly displayed in the cerinthoides, and some others, please more on a near inspection, they have indeed a delicacy and beauty which are indescribable; we have given to it the English name of Porcelain Heath, as the flowers have somewhat the appearance of porcelain, or enamel.

This species has been introduced from the Cape, since the publication of the Hortus Kewensis; we saw it in blossom many years since, in the Royal Garden at Kew; several varieties of it have been raised from Cape seeds by Mr. Loddiges, Nurseryman, at Hackney, differing in the hairiness of their leaves, size and colour of their blossoms; but the best variety we have seen is the one here represented.

In point of form the blossoms resemble those of the ampullacea, but they are not so large, and have no viscidity; the stigma is enclosed within the mouth of the flower, and the peduncles are usually naked; in some very luxuriant specimens we have observed a scale or two on them.

It is with Heaths, in some respects, as it is with fruit trees: one season they will produce blossoms most abundantly, they seem indeed to overblow themselves, the next few appear; in different years the blossoms of the same heath will vary also considerably in size. The ventricosa is a free blower, and will in general produce flowers in abundance, for two or three months, from June to September.

Those who possess the knack of striking heaths, raise it by cuttings without much difficulty.



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