

Solanum Laciniatum. Cut-Leav'd Nightshade.

Class and Order.

Pentandria Monogynia.

Generic Character.

Corolla rotata. AntherÆ subcoalitÆ, apice poro gemino dehiscentes. Bacca 2-locularis.

Specific Character and Synonyms.

SOLANUM laciniatum caule fruticoso inermi glaberrimo, foliis pinnatifidis: laciniis lanceolatis acutis, paniculis axillaribus binis ternisve. Ait. Hort. Kew. v. 1. p. 247.

No. 349

Mr. Aiton in his Hort. Kew. mentions this plant as being a native of New-Zealand, on the authority of Sir Joseph Banks, and that it was introduced in 1772; he regards it as a stove plant; it has been since found to be more hardy than he imagined, and not to require more heat than the greenhouse affords; in the Summer it will stand abroad, and even ripen its fruit in the open air.

It is a plant of some beauty, but is more remarkable for having its antherÆ separating widely from each other, and thereby losing the character of a Solanum, so far as it depends on that circumstance. The berries when ripe are of the size of a small plum, and of a yellowish green hue; their pulp is sweet, in some small degree resembling that of a fig, whether it be so innocent we do not take on us to assert.

It flowers during most of the Summer, and is easily increased by cuttings or seeds.



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