Oenothera Rosea. Rose-Coloured Oenothera. Class and Order. Octandria Monogynia. Generic Character.
Specific Character and Synonyms.
No. 347 Of the several different species of this genus growing in our garden at this present writing (eleven in number) two only are of a red or purple colour, the one here figured, and another with a larger flower, which we purpose soon to publish under the name of purpurea. The present species, Mr. Aiton informs us, was introduced in 1783 by Mons. Thouin, from Peru. It has been considered as a greenhouse plant, and a perennial; we find it to be more hardy than greenhouse plants in general, and scarcely entitled to the distinction of a perennial. It may be increased by cuttings and seeds, the latter of which are plentifully produced. It rarely exceeds a foot in height; its rose-coloured flowers expand during the whole of the day, and are produced during most of the Summer months. To guard against accidental severity of weather, sow its seeds in the Spring with tender annuals; when the plants have acquired a proper age and the season is favourable, plant them out singly in the open border. |