

Erica Persoluta. Blush-Flowered Heath.

Class and Order.

Octandria Monogynia.

Generic Character.

Cal. 4-phyllus. Cor. 4-fida. Filamenta receptaculo inserta. AntherÆ bifidÆ. Caps. 4-locularis.

Specific Character and Synonyms.

ERICA persoluta antheris aristatis inclusis, corollis campanulatis, calycibus ciliatis, foliis quaternis. Linn. Mant. p. 230. Ait. Kew. v. 2. p. 17.

ERICA subdivaricata. Berg. Cap. 114.

ERICA persoluta aristata foliis ternis quaternisque trigonis glabris, floribus umbellatis, calice ciliato. Thunb. Prod. Pl. Cap. p. 73.

No. 342

The different species and varieties of the African Heaths are now become so numerous, that there is scarcely any period of the year in which some of them may not be found to delight the eye with their blossoms: the persoluta here figured is one of those which flower early in the spring; through the months of March, April and May, its branches are loaded with a profusion of bright purple flowers, which, joined to the lively verdure of its foliage, places it among the most desirable of the tribe.

If suffered to grow, it will form a shrub of considerable height: there is a variety of it, called alba, whose flowers are nearly white, yet not wholly divested of a red tinge; to this variety the term blush-coloured, which Mr. Aiton has given to the species, seems most applicable.

This heath was introduced, from the Cape, by Mr. Masson, in 1774. Ait. Kew.

It is increased without much difficulty from cuttings, and is more easily preserved than many of the others.



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