

Lotus Hirsutus. Hairy Bird's-Foot-Trefoil.

Class and Order.

Diadelphia Decandria.

Generic Character.

Legumen cylindricum striatum. AlÆ sursum longitudinaliter conniventes. Cal. tubulosus.

Specific Character and Synonyms.

LOTUS hirsutus capitulis subrotundis, caule erecto hirto, leguminibus ovatis. Linn. Syst. Vegetab. ed. 14. Murr. p. 691. Ait. Kew. v. 3. p. 93.

LOTUS polyceratos frutescens incana alba, siliquis erectis crassioribus et brevioribus rectis. Moris. Hist. 2. p. 177. s. 2. t. 18. f. 14.

LOTUS pentaphyllos siliquosus villosus. Bauh. Pin. 332.

No. 336

The Lotus hirsutus, according to LinnÆus, is a native of the South of France, Italy, and the East.

In mild winters it will bear the open border with us, but it is more generally kept in the greenhouse, of which indeed it has long had possession, being cultivated, according to Mr. Aiton, in 1683, by Mr. James Sutherland.

It flowers from June to August.

Its blossoms are of a white colour, which being contrasted with the redness of the calyx, gives them a pleasing appearance; Casp. Bauh. informs us, that they are purple also.

This shrub will acquire the height of several feet; its flowers are usually succeeded by seed-vessels, which in favourable situations produce perfect seeds, by which the plant is easily propagated, as also by cuttings.



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