

Hypericum Monogynum. Chinese St. John's-Wort.

Class and Order.

Polyadelphia Polyandria.

Generic Character.

Cal. 5-phyllus. Petala 5. Nect. 0. Capsula.

Specific Character and Synonyms.

HYPERICUM monogynum floribus monogynis, staminibus corolla longioribus, calycibus coloratis, caule fructicoso. Linn. Syst. Vegetab. ed. 14. Murr. p. 702. Hort. Kew. v. 3. p. 108.

No. 334

Of this genus 28 species are enumerated in the Hortus Kewensis of Mr. Aiton, 42 in Prof. Murray's ed. of the Systema Vegetab. and 64 in Prof. Gmelin's 13th ed. of Linn. Syst. Nat. of the latter number 14 are described with 5 styles, 46 with 3, 2 with 2 styles, and 2 with 1; when the term monogynum was first applied to this species, it was a proper one, there being then only one in that predicament, another having since been discovered it ceases to be so now; some have indeed doubted the propriety of using the word monogynum at all, alleging that in reality there are five styles, which manifestly shew themselves above, though they coalesce below; such is the opinion of my friend, Dr. Gwyn; this is a point on which Botanists will think differently.

This elegant native of China, now common in our greenhouses, appears from Mr. Miller to have been first introduced to this country in 1753, by Hugh, Duke of Northumberland; he tells us, that the plants were raised in his Grace's curious garden at Stanwick, from whence the Apothecaries garden at Chelsea was furnished with it.

Mr. Miller has given us a minute description of this plant, which he observes is the more valuable, as it continues in flower great part of the year; he observes further, that if planted in a very warm situation, it will live in the open air, but that those plants which stand abroad will not flower in winter, as those do which are removed into shelter in autumn.

It may be propagated by slips from the root, or by layers.



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