Ononis Natrix. Yellow-Flowered Rest-Harrow. Class and Order. Diadelphia Decandria. Generic Character.
Specific Character and Synonyms.
No. 329 The Ononis Natrix, a plant usually to be met with in all general collections of greenhouse plants, is a native of Spain, and the South of France, where it is said to grow wild in the corn-fields. The general practice sanctioned by that of Mr. Aiton, is to consider this species as tender; Mr. Miller says it is very hardy, and recommends it to be planted in the open border, a treatment likely to suit it in mild winters; there is, however, one part of his account evidently erroneous, he describes the root as perennial, and the stem as herbaceous, this is not only contrary to LinnÆus's specific description, but to fact, the stalk being undoubtedly shrubby. As this plant in the course of a year or two is apt to grow out of form, it is advisable either to renew it frequently by seed, which it produces in abundance, or to keep it closely cut in. It flowers from the middle of summer till towards the close, and is propagated readily either by seeds or cuttings. Is no novelty in this country, having been cultivated by Mr. James Sutherland in 1683 |