

Mesembryanthemum Viridiflorum. Green-Flowered Fig-Marigold.

Class and Order.

Icosandria Pentagynia.

Generic Character.

Cal. 5-fidus. Petala numerosa linearia. Caps. carnosa infera polysperma.

Specific Character and Synonyms.

MESEMBRYANTHEMUM viridiflorum foliis semicylindraceis papuloso-pilosis, calycibus quinquefidis hirsutis. Ait. Kew. v. 2. p. 196. Haworth Mesemb. p. 199. Syst. Nat. ed. Gmel. p. 848.

No. 326

Of the seventy species of Mesembryanthemum described in the Hortus Kewensis, this is the only one with green flowers.

Mr. Masson introduced it from the Cape in 1774.

The flowers are not only remarkable for their colour, but the extreme fineness of the florets; they begin to come forth in July, and continue to be produced till the end of September; the plant is easily increased by cuttings, is of ready growth, and blows freely.

In Mr. Haworth's Observations on the Genus Mesembryanthemum, lately published, there is a very ample description of it, to which we refer such of our readers as wish for more minute information respecting it.



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