In which the English Names of the Plants contained in the Ninth Volume are alphabetically arranged. Pl. | | 290 | Amaryllis yellow. | 294 | —— Guernsey. | 305 | —— Barbadoes. | 318 | Anthericum Savoy. | 291 | Caper Shrub. | 293 | Catananche blue. | 295 | Cockle smooth-leaved. | 289 | Convolvulus narrow-leaved. | 315 | Crane's-bill horn-leaved. | 300 | Cudweed giant. | 313 | Daphne trailing. | 298 | Dittany of Crete. | 310 | Erinus alpine. | 312 | Flax yellow. | 303 | Heath flask. | 299 | Hermannia alder-leaved. | 304 | —— lavender-leaved. | 307 | —— marshmallow-leaved. | 296 | Houseleek gouty. | 314 | Genista triangular-stalked. | 309 | Geranium prickly-stalked. | 320 | Lobelia scarlet. | 322 | Manulea woolly. | 301 | Melianthus small. | 316 | Milk-wort box-leaved. | 302 | Mimosa myrtle-leaved. | 321 | Navel-wort round-leaved. | 306 | Othonna wormwood-leaved. | 292 | Passerina great-flowered. | 319 | Pimpernel Italian. | 297 | Pink superb. | 323 | Raspberry flowering. | 317 | Rest-harrow shrubby. | 311 | Robinia rough-stalked. | 324 | Toad-flax three-leaved. | 308 | Vervain rose. | |