INDEX. (2)


In which the English Names of the Plants contained in the Ninth Volume are alphabetically arranged.

290 Amaryllis yellow.
294 —— Guernsey.
305 —— Barbadoes.
318 Anthericum Savoy.
291 Caper Shrub.
293 Catananche blue.
295 Cockle smooth-leaved.
289 Convolvulus narrow-leaved.
315 Crane's-bill horn-leaved.
300 Cudweed giant.
313 Daphne trailing.
298 Dittany of Crete.
310 Erinus alpine.
312 Flax yellow.
303 Heath flask.
299 Hermannia alder-leaved.
304 —— lavender-leaved.
307 —— marshmallow-leaved.
296 Houseleek gouty.
314 Genista triangular-stalked.
309 Geranium prickly-stalked.
320 Lobelia scarlet.
322 Manulea woolly.
301 Melianthus small.
316 Milk-wort box-leaved.
302 Mimosa myrtle-leaved.
321 Navel-wort round-leaved.
306 Othonna wormwood-leaved.
292 Passerina great-flowered.
319 Pimpernel Italian.
297 Pink superb.
323 Raspberry flowering.
317 Rest-harrow shrubby.
311 Robinia rough-stalked.
324 Toad-flax three-leaved.
308 Vervain rose.


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