INDEX. (2)


In which the English Names of the Plants contained in the Eighth Volume are alphabetically arranged.

267 Apple-tree Chinese.
276 Blite strawberry.
274 Borbonia heart-leaved.
264 Cistus beautiful.
272 Corn-flag square-leaved.
258 Coronilla purple.
261 Crane's-bill flesh-coloured.
266 Crowfoot plantain-leaved.
271 Cyrtanthus narrow-leaved.
255 Cytisus common.
273 Diosma one-flowered.
280 Dogsbane tutsan-leaved.
262 Fig-marigold golden.
263 Glycine purple.
268 Glycine dingy-flowered.
270 Glycine scarlet.
287 Goodenia smooth.
282 Hedysarum creeping-rooted.
285 Jasmine sweet.
256 Ixia long-flowered.
265 Ixia crocus-leaved.
253 Lathyrus jointed-podded.
259 Lily Catesby's.
278 Lily white.
254 Lopezia mexican.
257 Lychnis scarlet.
277 Mahernia winged.
260 Metrosideros harsh-leaved.
283 Monkey-flower narrow-leav'd.
288 Passion-flower fringed-leaved.
279 Plumeria red.
286 Portlandia great-flowered.
284 Rose ever-blowing.
269 Star of Bethlehem Neapolitan.
275 Tulip-tree common.
281 Turnera narrow-leaved.

[1] In honorem Licent. ThomÆ Lopez, Burgensis, qui aliquot annos Regii Senatoris munere functus in America, Carolo V. imperante. In patriam reversus breviarium historiÆ naturalis novi orbis scripsit sub titulo de tribus elementis aËre, aqua, et terra, MS. apud eundem Muguozium.

[2] What the use of this very extraordinary apparatus may be we can at present scarcely conjecture, future observation may perhaps enable us to speak more decisively; when we figure the Diosma ericoides we shall probably have more to say of this species.

[3] We wish that every person who describes foreign plants on the spot, would do thus; it would greatly facilitate their culture.

[4] Vide a Dissertation on the British species of Carex, by Dr. Goodenough, in the second volume of the Transactions of the Linnean Society.


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