Class and Order. Diadelphia Decandria. Generic Character. Cal. 2-labiatus. CorollÆ carina apice vexillum reflectens. Specific Character. GLYCINE coccinea foliis ternatis, foliolis subrotundis undulatis. We here present our readers with another Glycine, very lately raised by several persons in the neighbourhood of London from Botany-Bay seeds, and which we have called coccinea from the colour of its blossoms. It is a shrubby, climbing plant, which, if supported, will grow to the height of many feet, producing a great number of flowers on its pendant branches; the leaves, which grow three together, are nearly round, and, in the older ones especially, are crimped or curled at the edges; the flowers grow for the most part in pairs, are of a glowing scarlet colour, at the base of the carina somewhat inclined to purple, the bottom of the vexillum is decorated with a large yellow spot, verging to green, which adds much to the beauty of the flower. It blossoms from April to June, and appears to be fully as much disposed to produce seed vessels, and perfect seeds, as the rubicunda, and by which alone it has hitherto been propagated. We must rank it among the more tender green-house plants. |