INDEX. (2)


In which the English Names of the Plants contained in the Seventh Volume are alphabetically arranged.

252 Bell flower great-flowered.
217 Buchnera clammy.
233 Chironia berry-bearing.
249 Cineraria blue-flowered.
246 Columbine canadian.
240 Cranes-bill three-coloured
228 Daisy great double.
218 Disandra trailing.
241 Fagonia cretian.
234 Flax tree.
231 Fumitory solid-rooted.
232 Fumitory hollow-rooted.
251 Garlick purple-headed
245 Germander broad-leaved shrubby.
235 Globe-flower Asiatic.
220 Heath honeywort-flowered.
221 Ipomoea scarlet.
244 Ipomoea scarlet. winged-leaved.
230 Leadwort rose-coloured.
239 Lily Atamasco.
225 Lobelia shrubby.
223 Lychnis chinese.
219 Michauxia rough-leaved.
236 Mullein borage-leaved.
250 Myrtle woolly-leaved.
248 Periwinkle Madagascar.
224 Phylica heath-leaved.
243 Poppy prickly.
229 Primrose lilac double.
238 Rag wort purple.
247 Scabious sweet.
242 Speedwell cross-leaved.
222 Struthiola smooth.
227 Sunflower perennial.
226 Wall-cress alpine.
237 Wood-sorrel goat's-foot.

[A] We once saw a specimen of a hen and chicken daisy gathered on a hill in Sussex, much inferior in size to the daisy as it usually grows.

[B] Clayton in Gronov. Fl. Virg. says maddidis gaudet locis, it delights to grow in wet places.


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