INDEX. (2)


In which the English Names of the Plants contained in the Sixth Volume are alphabetically arranged.

199 Aster alpine.
208 Balm great-flower'd.
181 Bladder-senna scarlet.
210 Celsia linear-leav'd.
188 Convolvulus azure.
185 Coronilla rue-leav'd.
201 Crane's-bill two-colour'd.
203 Crane's-bill angular-stalk'd.
204 Crowfoot mountain.
215 Crowfoot upright-double.
214 Dragon's-head toothed.
206 Geranium anemone-leav'd.
189 Heath great-flower'd.
209 Hibiscus bladder.
194 Imperial crown.
198 Indigo white-leav'd.
187 Iris elder-scented.
184 Ixia saffron-colour'd.
192 Ladies-slipper two-leav'd.
216 Ladies-slipper white-petal'd.
183 Lilac common.
202 Lupine perennial.
197 Narcissus narrow-leav'd.
197 Narcissus two-flower'd.
190 Ornithogalum golden.
213 Persicaria tall.
191 Primula silver-edg'd.
182 Sage golden.
196 Saxifrage oval-leav'd.
186 Selago oval-headed.
211 Stonecrop poplar-leav'd.
212 Tansey fan-leav'd.
200 Toad-flax branching.
205 Toad-flax alpine.
195 Wall-flower changeable.
207 William sweet.


[1] The name, indeed, of one of our colours is taken from its blossoms.

This Quotation from Gerard referring to its Smell belongs to the Philadelphus coronarius or Mock-orange which both by him and Parkinson is called Syringa, & which led to the Mistake.


Florida sed postquam venÊre in prata puellÆ,
His illa, hÆc aliis se floribus oblectabant;
Narcisso illa quidem bene olente, atq; illa Hyacintho.


Pro molli Viola, pro purpureo Narcisso,
Carduus et spinis surgit Paliurus acutis.


Nusquam corpus erat, croceum pro corpore florem
Inveniunt, foliis medium cingentibus albis.

[5] In saxosis udis alpium. Jacq.

[6] Radix perennis. Jacq.

[7] In petrosis collibus et asperis, fabulosis apricisque locis, apud Germanos nascitur. Pempt. p. 177.

[8] Sponte in sylvaticis, montosis (Carn. Siles. Tubing) Germanys Fl. 1791. p. 147.


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