Class and Order. Didynamia Angiospermia. Generic Character. CorollÆ faux inflata: labium superius concavum. Specific Character and Synonyms. DRACOCEPHALUM denticulatum floribus spicatis remotis, foliis obovato-lanceolatis superne denticulatis. Ait. Kew. V. 2. p. 317. No 214. No214. About the year 1786, we received from Philadelphia, seeds of a plant collected at a considerable distance from that city, announced to us as new and rare, and which produced the present species of Dracocephalum: Mr. Watson, Nurseryman at Islington, obtained the same plant from Carolina, about the same period. It is a hardy perennial, multiplying considerably by its roots, which creep somewhat; it must be planted in a moist soil, and shady situation, for such it affects, and in such only will it thrive. It flowers in August and September. It bears a considerable affinity to the Dracocephalum virginianum, to which, though a much rarer plant, it is inferior in point of beauty; it spreads more on the ground, its flowering stems are not altogether so upright, nor so tall, the leaves are broader, and the flowers in the spikes less numerous. |