INDEX. (2)


In which the English Names of the Plants contained in the Third Volume are alphabetically arranged.

173 Aitonia cape.
161 Almond dwarf.
159 Alyssum yellow.
172 Archangel balm-leav'd.
180 Azalea scarlet.
174 Buddlea round-headed.
153 Bulbocodium vernal.
148 Crane's-bill birch-leav'd.
165 Crane's-bill heart-leav'd.
164 Crowsfoot grass-leav'd.
156 Coreopsis whorled.
147 Dais continus-leav'd.
170 Draba fengreen.
152 Epidendrum two-leav'd.
179 Fumitory glaucous.
158 Hisicus china-rose.
157 Hyacinth grape.
168 Iris peacock.
171 Ixia Chinese.
169 Ixora scarlet.
175 Kalmia broad-leav'd.
177 Kalmia glaucous.
176 Laburnum common.
151 Lotus winged.
160 Lungwort Virginian.
163 Lychnidea early-flowering.
150 Marigold French.
145 Monarda crimson.
162 Puccoon Canada.
146 St. John's-wort large-flower'd.
178 St. John's-wort heath-leav'd.
154 Soap-wort basil.
167 Sophora winged-podded.
166 Stock Mediterranean.
155 Wood-sorrel striped-flower'd.
149 Zinnia many-flower'd.


[1]Pulcherrimos et latissimos in rupibus cespites efficit. Haller.

[2] Delectatur solo duro, arenoso, umbroso sylvarum. Jacquin.

[3] Ait. Hort. Kew.

[4] Provenit sponte in America occidentali five in Virginia seu Canada, unde semen ad nos delata, quibus propagata ejus fobeles abundanter satis in hortulo suburbano Gul. Walker non longe a palatio Divi Jacobi, sito in vico ejusdem nominis Jacobeo dicto.

[5] Mr. A. was a pupil of the celebrated Mr. Miller.

[6] Matthiolus long since noticed the excellence of this wood, and speaks of it as being particularly used for making the best kind of bows; are our modern Toxopholites acquainted with this circumstance?


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