

Pelargonium Cordifolium. Heart-Leaved Geranium.

Class and Order.

Monadelphia Heptandria.

Generic Character.

Cal. 5-partitus: lacinia suprema, definente in tubulum capilarem, nectariferum, secus pedunculum decurrentem. Cor. 5-petala, irregularis. Filam. 10 inÆqualia: quorum 3. (raro 5) castrata. Fructus 5-coccus, rostratus: rostra spiralia introrsum barbata.

Specific Character and Synonyms.

PELARGONIUM cordatum umbellis multifloris, foliis cordatis acutis dentatis, petalis inferis linearibus acutis. Ait. Hort. Kew. p. 427.

GERANIUM cordifolium. Cavan. Diss. p. 240. t. 117. f. 3.

No 165.

Our readers are here presented with the figure of another Geranium of modern introduction, not enumerated by LinnÆus or Miller, and which in point of beauty, duration of flowering, and facility of culture, is equal to most.

It was introduced to the Royal Garden, at Kew, from the Cape, by Mr. Masson, in 1774.

There are several varieties of it, but the one here figured is the most beautiful.

It strikes readily from cuttings, by which it is usually propagated.

Requires the same treatment as the more common Geraniums, and flowers, from March to July.



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