Sedum Anacampseros. Evergreen Orpine. Class and Order. Decandria Pentagynia. Generic Character. Cal. 5-fidus. Cor. 5-petala. SquamÆ nectariferÆ 5, ad basin germinis. Caps. 5. Specific Character and Synonyms. SEDUM Anacampseros foliis cuneiformibus basi attenuatis subsessilibus, caulibus decumbentibus, floribus corymbosis. Ait. Hort. Kew. p. 108. SEDUM Anacampseros foliis cuneiformibus integerrimis caulibus decumbemtibus, floribus corymbosis. Linn. Syst. Vegetab. ed. Murr. p. 430. TELEPHIUM repens folio deciduo. Bauh. Pin. 287. TELEPHIUM tertium. Dodon. Pempt. p. 130. No 118 No118 Grows spontaneously out of the crevices of the rocks in the South of France; flowers in our gardens in July and August; is a very hardy perennial, and in sheltered situations retains its leaves all the year. The singular manner in which the leaves are attached to the flowering stem, deserves to be noticed. As many of the succulent plants are tender, and require a Green-house in the winter, cultivators of plants are apt indiscriminately to extend the same kind of care to the whole Like most of the Sedum tribe it may readily be propagated by cuttings, or parting its roots in autumn. DodonÆus' figure admirably represents its habit. According to the Hort. Kew. it was cultivated in this country by Gerard, in 1596. |