

Campanula Carpatica. Carpatian Bell-Flower.

Class and Order.

Pentandria Monogynia.

Generic Character.

Corolla campanulata fundo clauso valvis staminiferis. Stigma trifidum. Capsula infera poris lateralibus dehiscens.

Specific Character and Synonyms.

CAMPANULA carpatica foliis glabris cordatis serratis petiolatis, pedunculis elongatis, calyce reflexo glutinoso. Linn. Syst. Vegetab. ed. 14. Murr. p. 207. Suppl. p. 140. Jacq. Hort. v. i. t. 57.

No 117

This species of Bell-flower, which takes its name from its place of growth, is a native of the Carpatian Alps, and was introduced into the Royal Garden at Kew, by Professor Jacquin, of Vienna, in the year 1774.

It flowers in June and July.

As yet it is scarce in our gardens, but deserves to be more generally known and cultivated; its flowers, in proportion to the plant, are large and shewy: like many other Alpine plants, it is well suited to decorate certain parts of rock-work, or such borders of the flower garden, as are not adapted for large plants.

It is a hardy perennial, and propagated by parting its roots in autumn.

Our figure, from a deficiency in the colouring art, gives a very inadequate idea of its beauty.



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