Lavatera Trimestris. Annual Lavatera. Class and Order. Monadelphia Polyandria. Generic Character. Calyx duplex: exterior 3-fidus. Arilli plurimi, monospermi. Specific Character and Synonyms. LAVATERA trimestris caule scabro herbaceo, foliis glabris, pedunculis unifloris, fructibus orbiculo tectis. Linn. Sp. Pl. 974. Hort. Kew. v. 2. p. 452. LAVATERA (althÆÆfolia) foliis infimis cordato-orbiculatis, caulinis trilobis acuminatis glabris, pedunculis unifloris, caule herbaceo. Miller's Gard. Dict. ed. 6. 4to. MALVA folio vario. Bauh. Pin. 315. MALVA Hispanica flore carneo amplo. The Spanish blush Mallow. Park. Parad. p. 366. No 109 No109 Our plant is undoubtedly the Spanish blush Mallow of Parkinson, and the Lavatera althÆÆfolia of Miller according to the former, it is a native of Spain, according to the latter, of Syria. Mr. Miller considers it as distinct from the trimestris; Mr. Aiton has no althÆÆfolia in his Hort. Kew. we are therefore to conclude that the althÆÆfolia of Miller, and the trimestris of Linneus are one and the same species. Of the annuals commonly raised in our gardens, this is one of the most shewy, as well as the most easily cultivated; its seeds are to be sown in March, on the borders where they are to remain, the plants, thinned as they come up, and kept clear of weeds. It varies with white blossoms, and flowers from July to September. |