INDEX. (2)


In which the English Names of the Plants contained in the Third Volume are alphabetically arranged.

101 Alyssum sweet.
77 Blue-bottle greater.
85 Broom Spanish.
106 Candy-tuft purple.
107 Cassia dwarf.
84 Coltsfoot alpine.
81 Colutea, or Bladder-Senna tree.
86 Corn-flag common.
103 Crane's-bill sorrel.
97 Fuchsia scarlet.
95 Geranium rasp-leav'd.
90 Gorteria rigid-leav'd.
87 Henbane golden-flower'd.
83 Hibiscus Syrian.
93 Houseleek dwarf.
91 Iris chalcedonian.
78 Jonquil great.
82 Lachenalia three-colour'd.
108 Ladies finger four-leav'd.
96 Lantana prickly.
102 Looking-glass Venus's.
104 Loosestrife bulb-bearing.
79 Lotus black-flower'd.
73 Monsonia large-flower'd.
88 Narcissus hoop-petticoat.
100 Pea Tangier.
75 Potentilla large-flower'd,
92 Saxifrage Strawberry.
94 Sisyrinchium Iris-leav'd.
80 Spigelia, or Worm-grass Maryland.
74 Toad-flax black-flower'd.
99 Toad-flax purple.
105 Tradescantia Virginian.
94 TropÆolum, or Indian cress,small.
89 Violet cut-leav'd.
76 Willow-herb narrowest-leav'd.


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