

Gladiolus Communis. Common Corn-Flag.

Class and Order.

Triandria Monogynia.

Generic Character.

Corolla sexpartita, ringens. Stamina adscendentia.

Specific Character and Synonyms.

GLADIOLUS communis foliis ensiformibus, floribus distantibus.

GLADIOLUS utrinque floridus? Bauh. Pin. 41.

The French Corn-Flag. Park. Parad. p. 189. t. 191. f. 1.

No 86

Grows wild in the corn fields of most of the warmer parts of Europe, varies with white and flesh-coloured blossoms, increases so fast, both by offsets and seeds, as to become troublesome to the cultivator; hence, having been supplanted by the Greater Corn-Flag, the Byzantinus of Miller, whose blossoms are larger, and more shewy, it is not so generally found in gardens as formerly.

It flowers in June.



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