

Anthyllis Tetraphylla. Four-Leav'd Ladies-Finger.

Class and Order.

Diadelphia Decandria.

Generic Character.

Calyx ventricosus. Legumen subrotundum, tectum.

Specific Character and Synonyms.

ANTHYLLIS tetraphylla herbacea, foliis quaterno-pinnatis. Linn. Syst. Vegetab. ed. 14. Murr. p. 25. Hort. Kew. vol. 3. p. 25.

LOTUS pentaphyllos vesicaria. Bauh. Pin. 332.

TRIFOLIUM halicacabum. Cam. Hort. 171. t. 47.

No 108

An annual; the spontaneous growth of Spain, Italy, and Sicily, flowers in the open border in July, and ripens its seeds, in September.

Long since cultivated in our gardens, but more as a rare, or curious, than a beautiful plant.

Its seeds are to be sown in April, on a bed of light earth, where they are to remain; no other care is necessary than thinning them, and keeping them clear of weeds.



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