T. D. Curtis
HISTORICAL—In Asia; Among the Jews; In Southern Europe; In America; Figures from the Census; Growth in Thirty Years; Product per Cow and per Capita; Home Consumption vs. Exports; Forms of Milk Consumption; The Private Dairy vs. the Factory
CONDITIONS—Pastures; Water; Winter Food; The Stable; Shelter; The Dairy House; Cleanliness; The Herd.
DAIRY STOCK—Points of a Milker; Dutch-Friesian; The Jersey; The Guernsey; The Ayrshire; The Shorthorn; The Devon; The American Holderness; Inbreeding; Swiss; Polled; Hereford; Common Stock
BREEDING DAIRY STOCK—Selection; Coupling; Care
FEEDING STOCK—Carbonaceous and Nitrogenous Foods; What is Carbon? What is Nitrogen? Compounding Rations; Per day and per 1,000 lbs. Live Weight; Sample Rations; Fattening Rations; Working Rations; Digestibility of Foods; Elements of Foods; Ensilage; Remarks
HANDLING MILK—Keep Quiet; Regularity; Keep Down the Foul Odors; Keep Out the Dirt; Let Out the Cows; A Lick of Meal; Care of Milk; Composition of Milk; Deterioration of Milk in the Udder; Do Fats Expand Before Congealing? Effects of Falling Temperature; Cooling and Airing; Protection from the Hot Sun; Treatment of Night's and Morning's Milk; Receiving; Testing; Bad Milk; Weighing; Keeping Milk
BUTTER MAKING—Deep Setting and Water Cooling; Effect of Too Low Cooling; Buttermilk Flavor; Shallow Setting and Air Cooling; Oxydizing Cream; Skimming Milk; When to Skim; Churning; Temperatures; What Makes the Butter Come; When to Stop Churning; Working; Salting; Salt as a Preservative; Packing Butter; Preparing the Package; Closing the Package; Storing; Style of Package
CHEESE MAKING—Duty of Patrons; Unreasonable Expectation; Guarantees; Heating; Coloring; Setting; Other Details; Keep the Temperature Even; Cutting; Cut Fine; "Cooking;" Drawing the Whey; Salting; Putting to Press
ACID IN CHEESE MAKING—Analysis of Milk; What the Cheese Maker Does; What Ought to Be; Theory and Practice
RENNET—Soaking in Whey; Tainted Rennet; Curing Rennets; Age an Advantage; Saving Rennets; Selecting Rennets; Wholesale Preparation; Excluding Air
CURING ROOMS—Temperature; An Example; Moisture in Curing; Better Cheese Can Be Made
WHEY—Composition of Milk; Composition of Whey; Poor Stuff; Cruelty to Animals