The following pages comprise the series of articles which appeared, during the last season, in the columns of the Utica Morning and Weekly Herald. It is not claimed that they exhaust the several questions discussed; but it is believed that they constitute the most practical treatise on cheese-making that has yet appeared, and that they embrace the leading features and indicate the more advanced methods of the art as practiced by the best manufacturers. Every experienced cheese-maker may find something in them to object to and criticise, as there is diversity of opinion on many, as yet, not definitely settled questions. The writer would not check honest and intelligent criticism, if he could, but, on the contrary, encourage it. Nor would he have others adopt any of the suggestions, methods or practices herein mentioned, if they think they have better of their own. He would rather stimulate independent thought and action, and urge each to observe closely, experiment thoroughly, and be guided by his own experience. Beginners, without a complete knowledge of all the branches of cheese-making, it is believed, will be able to glean from these THE AUTHOR. Utica, January, 1870. |