
The New Theology is a gathering up of the fragments, antagonizing none of the Old Theologies, while harmonizing the essential parts of all, by omitting excrescences and supplying deficiencies. All others have failed because they are fragmentary and narrow. They do not recognize the Female principle of Being and its true relation to the Male. They do not recognize the results of endless Progression, or the outcome of an infinite and eternal sexual union of the primal principles Love and Wisdom, which generates the motive power of Being and causes evolution and all the innumerable manifestations of progressive existence. They do not explain the origin of the idea of a personal God, nor of the doctrine of emanation from Him, or the God-Pair. They do not explain whence the idea of a non-personal Being, pervading everything. None of them catch a glimpse of the conjugal pair unfolding and rising to Godhood, when their sphere becomes the parent of universes, by natural development, thus completing another of the cycles of Being, as we see in two infants growing into the adult estate and becoming the parents of other infants. In place of the rule of Law and Order, rising into the rule of Equity and Love, they substitute the arbitrary rule of a monarch, full of partiality, favoritism and vindictiveness. The time has come for something more humane, consistent and rational, more progressive, comprehensive and complete. This the New Theology supplies to the advanced mind. Mankind are sloughing off the Old Theologies, and coming up higher. We are at the turn of the tide, and the New Theology is a safe craft on which to ride the spiritual waves, in the light of a new and better era, to a higher condition.

The Author.


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