List of Illustrations

Abraham Lincoln Frontispiece
From an original, unretouched negative made in 1864, when he commissioned Ulysses S. Grant Lieutenant-General and commander of all the armies of the republic.
The Birthplace of Abraham Lincoln 20
This cabin was long ago torn down, but the logs were saved, and in August, 1895, it was rebuilt on the original site.
Rock Spring Farm, Kentucky, where Abraham Lincoln was Born 22
From a photograph taken in September, 1895.
Rock Spring on the Farm where Lincoln was Born 26
From a photograph taken in September, 1895. The spring is in a hollow at the foot of the gentle slope on which the house stands.
Fac-simile of an Invitation to a Springfield Cotillion Party 38
By special permission, from the collection of C.F. Gunther, Esq., Chicago.
Mary Todd Lincoln, Wife of Abraham Lincoln 44
From a photograph by Brady in the War Department Collection.
Abraham Lincoln early in 1861, when he First began to wear a Beard 60
From a photograph in the collection of H.W. Fay, Esq., De Kalb, Illinois. By special permission.
Abraham Lincoln in the Summer of 1860 75
From a negative taken for M. C. Tuttle, of St. Paul, Minnesota, for local use in the presidential campaign.
Abraham Lincoln in 1858 100
From a photograph owned by Hon. William J. Franklin, Macomb, Illinois, taken in 1866 from an ambrotype made in 1858 at Macomb. By special permission.
Abraham Lincoln in 1861 125
Copied from the original in the possession of Frank A. Brown, Esq., Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Abraham Lincoln's House at Springfield, Illinois 156
The tree in front of the house was planted by Lincoln.
Abraham Lincoln in 1861 169
From a photograph by Klauber, of Louisville, Kentucky, taken especially for Mrs. Lucy G. Speed, in acknowledgment of an Oxford Bible received from her twenty years before. Reproduced by special permission of James B. Speed, Esq., of Louisville, Kentucky.
Montgomery Blair, Postmaster-General 187
From a photograph by Brady.
Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy 196
From a photograph by Brady.
William H. Seward, Secretary of State 201
From a photograph by Brady.
General George B. McClellan at the Head-quarters of General Morell's Brigade, Minor's Hill, Virginia 206
From a contemporary photograph by M.B. Brady.
Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War 224
From a photograph by Brady.
General Ulysses S. Grant 254
From an original, unretouched negative made in 1864, when he was commissioned Lieutenant-General and commander of all the armies of the republic.
Grand Review of the Army of the Potomac by President Lincoln at Falmouth, Virginia, in April, 1863 271
From a drawing by W. R. Leigh.
President Lincoln and his Son "Tad" 287
From a photograph by Brady, now in the War Department Collection, Washington, D. C.
John Wilkes Booth 311
From a photograph by Brady.
Abraham Lincoln in 1864 320
From a photograph in the War Department Collection.
Fac-simile of Letter by Abraham Lincoln to Hon. Michael Hahn, first Free State Governor of Louisiana 338
By special permission of John M. Crampton, Esq., New Haven, Connecticut.
Salmon P. Chase, Secretary of the Treasury 356
From a photograph by Brady.


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