Air, walking on, 340
Algonquian God of Winter, 61
Armstrong, John, Seneca informant, 50, 52
embedded in body, extraction of, 416
leaf used in withdrawing from body, 535
magic, 317
Ball game—
challenge to play, 234
won by dog dressed as man, 235
Ballou, Prof. Howard M.—
bibliographic research, 10
preparation of List of Works Relating to Hawaii, 29
Bark, used to prevent making tracks, 222
Basswood bark, rope made from, 122
bones of, to give magic power, 343
killed by shooting in forefoot, 343
nurses and cares for boy, 442
Bear songs and dances, origin of, 658
guarding pathway to chestnuts, 505
used to convey boy, 284
Beavers, called upon to destroy enemy, 120
Berries, magic appearance of, 192
Bird, converted into man, 181
Black Chief, Seneca informant, 52
Boas, Dr. Franz, special research work by, 9, 24
Body, stroking of, in greeting, 631
Bone, solid, forming ribs, 259
converted into birds, 487
reassembled and brought to life, 212, 216, 217, 398, 404, 488, 490, 586
adopted by bear, 367
becomes fastened to back of monster, 481
rescued from bear, 369
Buffalo Man, side composed of one rib, 101
Buffaloes, body killed but spirit unharmed, 102
Burial, ancient and modern methods, 459
Cannibal, woman becomes, by tasting her own blood, 464
controlled by songs, 146
creation of, 568
diminutive, swallowing of, 569
having magic power, 247, 407
magically enlarging for use, 362
making of, 163
propelled by wild geese, 706, 712, 713
sailing through the air, 225, 391
white flint, power to restore life, 304
Chestnut pudding, making of, 188
guarded by wizards, 201
journey to secure, 150, 207, 216
use of, as food, 148, 187, 199, 503
Chief, world, chosen in council, 332–341
acquisition, of 642
enormous size, 481
legend of origin of, 643
mysterious appearance of, 637, 640
songs and dances, 649
white, origin of, 652
Corn dances, ceremony of, 647
Corn meal, made with one blow of pestle, 399
Corn Woman, declaration of, 649
Council, world—
chief chosen for all peoples, 332–341
held at Broken Land, 325
invitation to attend, 336
Council fire, uncovering and covering of, 541
Creation myths—
analysis, of 54
teachings, of 62
Curtin, Jeremiah—
field notes unrevised and unedited, 49
legends and myths, analysis of, 52
myths and tales, conclusions concerning, 53
records made by, 48
reference to work of, 51
Cushing, Frank Hamilton, reference to work of, 51
Daowanoenyent. See Whirlwind People.
Dances, Green Corn, 257
Deer, hunting of, 656
Deer, white—
borrowing coat of, 267
carries boy away on antlers, 354 [816]
Deity, conception of, 62
Densmore, Miss Frances—
researches in Indian music, 10
special researches, 27
Djogeon. See Dwarf People.
acts as guide, 121
great power given to owner of, 236
magic, 158
restored to life, 473
Stone Coat’s, 178
trails scent in air, 470
turns to stone, 472
wins ball game dressed as man, 235
wins foot race dressed as man, 233
attempt to save master by obstructing pursuer, 293
convey boys on journey, 292
magic power of, 193
restored to life, 221
Doll, use of, 77
Donehoo, Dr. George P., investigations of the tribes of Pennsylvania, 10
separate, 118
use of, 75
“Down-Fended” virgin, 510
chief told of powerful enemy to be met, 346
warning against very large man, 344
warning to attack enemy, 345
warning to change course on warpath, 342
Dream word, guessing of, 597
Dreams, testing magic power, 394–398
Duck, transformation into, 80
eyes used as dice, 354
used to paddle canoe, 218, 221, 222
Dunn, J. P.—
mentioned, 28
studies of tribes of Middle West, 10
Dwarf People, mentioned, 61
black, killing of, 318
guard of chestnut tree, 150
shooting of, to secure wife, 141
creation myth, 460
journey to end of, 238
“Eat-all-up” feast, 515
Ethnologic research—
J.P. Adams, 13
Donald Beauregard, 13
K.M. Chapman, 13
Dr. J. Walter Fewkes, 14
Miss Alice C. Fletcher, 22
Nathan Goldsmith, 13
John P. Harrington, 13
Prof. Junius Henderson, 13
J.N.B. Hewitt, 20
F.W. Hodge, 10
Neil M. Judd, 13
Francis La Flesche, 22
Dr. Truman Michelson, 20
James Mooney, 14
Sylvanus G. Morley, 13
Mrs. Frances S. Nichols, assistant, 10
Jesse L. Nusbaum, 13
Dr. Paul Radin, 21
Prof. R.W. Robbins, 13
Mrs. M.C. Stevenson, 19
Dr. John R. Swanton, 18
Feast, “eat-all-up”, 515
magic, 174
magic use of, 120
pigeon, used to baffle pursuer, 272
portent of evil, 103
used to magically create barrier to pursuer, 674
Feathers, turkey, 277
advice by, 382, 384
advises how to kill enemy in lodge, 379, 381
given to boy to overcome enemy, 379
made from bone of monster, 501
used to save life, 467
Fewkes, Dr. J. Walter—
ethnologic research by, 14
mentioned, 9
Finger, magic—
potency of, in killing game, 122, 123
returned to owner, 153
used as guide, 110, 440
used to kill game, 266
guest’s side of, 561
made from handful of wood, 392, 393
opposite sides occupied, 586
Firedragons, guarding pathway to magic chestnuts, 506
Fireplace, separates families in lodge, 518
conversion into, 191
speared with leg, 283
swallows boy, 182
woman transformed into, 538
Fishhook, used in capturing canoe, 78, 223, 713
Fletcher, Miss Alice C.—
ethnologic research by, 22
special work by, 9
Flint, red-hot, lodge turned into, 186, 227
Flood, legend of, 636
Flute, magic, 401
Foot race—
arrangements for, 496
between Seneca and Stone Coat, 439
challenge to, 233
heads wagered on, 351, 585
preparation for, 323
won by dog dressed as man, 233 [817]
Fox, Andrew, Seneca informant, 52
Frachtenberg, Dr. Leo J., special researches by, 26
hunter should not eat first killed, 201
killed by blind man, 549
Games, heads wagered on results of, 352, 353, 373, 447, 449
Genesis myth of the Iroquois, explanation, 63
Genonsgwa. See Stone Coats.
Gerard, William R., studies of Algonquian names, 10
Gill, De Lancey, illustration work, 30
God of life, mentioned, 61
God of Winter, snow pictured as living body of man formed by, 61
Gods and deities, Iroquois, 69
Gurley, J. G., editorial work by, 29
Hairs, indicating number of people who die, 625
Halftown, Truman, Seneca informant, 50
Harrington, John P., studies among Mohave Indians, 10, 29
Hawaii, list of works relating to, 29
Headdress, with animated duck, 263
Heart, squeezing of, to overcome adversary, 355, 356
Hewitt, Miss Caroline G. C., assistant in translating manuscript, 49
Hewitt, J.N. B.—
ethnologic research by, 20
mentioned, 9
Hinon. See Thunder People.
Hodge, F. W.—
acknowledgment of assistance rendered by, 71
administrative work, 10
ethnologic research by, 11
Ethnologist-in-charge, mentioned, 9
Horn, thrown in path to obstruct runner, 184, 234, 351
Horned snake, killing of, 199
Illustrations, work on, 31
Indian, creation of, 169
God of Winter, 61
gods and deities of, 69
Jacob, Henry, Seneca informant, 52
Jimeson Zachariah, Seneca informant, 52
Johnny-John, Abraham, Seneca informant, 52
La Flesche, Francis—
ethnologic research by, 22
mentioned, 9
special work by, 9
Languages, creation of different, 538
League of the Iroquois—
clans of the Seneca belonging to, 44
“Great Black Doorway”, 43
Leary, Miss Ella, librarian, 31
definition of, 66
sacred, 66
Legends, origin of, 681
Library, improvement of, 31
Life restored, 572
Little, Brown & Co., courtesy of, 71
destruction of, by fire, 417, 445, 755
erection of, by magic, 214, 349, 350, 392
for reception of dead, 547
turned to red-hot flint, 205, 398, 405, 409, 428
Logan, Phoebe, Seneca informant, 52
Long Lodge, turned to red-hot flint to destroy enemy, 212
Loon, hearts of cannibals hidden beneath wings of, 136
body divides, following two paths, and reunites, 551
creation of, 168
divided into two parts and restored, 473
flesh torn apart and immediately healed, 480
flesh turned into birds, 324
held to ground by tree growing over him, 375
legend of creation of, 413
parts reassemble after being pulled apart, 345, 346
parts reassemble, kill five men, and fall apart again, 347
purification of, before visiting another tribe, 428
restored to life, 548
resuscitation of, 275
Manikin, animated, 266
set up in trees to deceive pursuer, 219
use of, 259
Marriage bread—
customary offering, 20 loaves, 747, 752
offering of, 115, 123, 124, 139, 166, 167, 168, 191, 195, 196, 377, 463, 544, 555, 746
preparation of, 751
Mask, used in curing sick, 365
Master of Life, mentioned, 61
Matthews, Dr. Washington, reference to work of, 51
administered by bird, 275
for bringing dead to life, 274
small-dose, 491
used to kill witch, 555
Miami-French Dictionary, work on, 29
Michelson, Dr. Truman—
ethnologic research by, 20
mentioned, 9 [818]
conversion into owls, 143
left in lodge to deceive husband, 469
magic power of, 186, 227
mentioned, 226
used to deceive pursuer, 105, 119, 271
resuscitates boy, 189, 190
used for hiding from pursuer, 189
used to convey boy underground, 83, 136, 150, 205, 208, 216, 350, 356, 448, 486
used to convey boys underground, 79
Moon, man cast into, 697
Mooney, James—
ethnologic research by, 14
mentioned, 9
Moose, aids in recovery of man, 282
Mouse, used to convey boy, 554
Murie, James R., researches in ethnology, 10
Mythology, definition of, 60
analysis of, 58
definition of, 66
fictitious only in form, 61
O’Bail, Solomon, Seneca informant, 52
issues from bursted head of man, 205
man converted into, 326
Pigeon songs and dances, origin of, 663
Pigeon, white, legend of, 694
Pigeons, wild, hunting of, 656
Pipe, animated, 129, 134
Porcupine clan, origin of, 654
Publications issued during year, list of, 30
Radin, Dr. Paul—
ethnologic research by, 21
mentioned, 9
Rattlesnakes, guarding pathway to magic chestnuts, 505
Religion, ethnic or primitive, 57
Researches, special—
by Dr. Franz Boas, 24
by Miss Frances Densmore, 27
by Dr. Leo J. Frachtenberg, 26
Researches, systematic, 9
Robe spangled with human eyes, capture of, 80
Rock, forming wall across country, 173, 271
Rod, forked, used to deflect course of enemies, 659
Rod, painted, placed across path to indicate point beyond which hunting party should not pass, 695
adoption of conquered tribes, 47
ambush of British by, in 1763, 47
defeat of Marquis Denonville by, in 1687, 47
defeated by Gen. Sullivan in 1779, 48
defeated by Minqua and Marylanders in 1663, 47
defeated by Neuters in 1651, 46
description of, 43
French influence among, 47
history, political, 45
location of, when first known, 43
location previous to 1651, 45
name, origin of, 44
plotting to destroy French settlements in 1652, 47
population, estimate of, 48
visit to Cherokee, 429
war against Hurons in 1639, 46
war declared against Indians and French on St. Lawrence, 46
Serpent, man converted into, 87
Seven Sisters—
possessors of tobacco, 82
warfare against, 93
S?hagodiioweq. See Wind People.
Silverheels, Henry, Seneca informant, 52
animate, 111
bringing to life, 123
fawn, used as fetish, 151
method of stretching for drying, 578
smoked to prevent return of life, 259
woman’s, guarding chestnut trees, 506
woman’s, guarding pathway to tobacco, 83
Skin robe, protection against pursuers, 76
Skull, stolen, recovery of, 416
Smoke-holes, closing, to avoid pestilence, 116
black, called upon for assistance, 130
enters woman’s body, 228
man converted into, 323
woman turns into, 112
Spears, shower of, 205
Spider, Great, called to assistance of boy, 130, 426
Spider’s web, used to defeat opponent in ball game, 449
rubbed on body to effect cure, 403, 438
rubbed on body to restore flesh, 381, 383, 386, 387
Spring, inhabited by a monster, 521
Stevens, Chief Priest Henry, Seneca informant, 50
Stevenson, Mrs. M. C.—
ethnologic research by, 19
mentioned, 9
Stillwell, Miss Margaret Bingham, work on Miami-French Dictionary, 29
power to melt ice, 185
used to magically create barrier to pursuer, 675 [819]
Stone Coat—
assists Seneca hunters, 439
dog belonging to, 178
fight with, 344
Iroquoian concept of, 64
killing of, with basswood club, 330, 438
mentioned, 564
origin of, 64
unable to look upward, 440
woman, calls beavers and eats them, 438
Stone Coats—
defeat of, 261
defeated by Hawenniyo, 441
destroyed by fire, 445
encounter with, 683
mentioned, 61, 63, 64, 65
name due to false etymology, 63
Stone Giants. See Stone Coats.
Stump, man converted into, 271, 272
Suicide, attempted, 228
Sun pushed back by pole, 352
Swanton, Dr. John R.—
ethnologic research by, 18
mentioned, 9
Thanksgiving, address of, 632
Thunder People, mentioned, 61
Titus, George, Seneca informant, 52
burned in appeal to Thunder god, 421
burned in offering made to pigeons, 696
burned with invocation, 583
cast upon fire as offering, 659, 660
desire for, by skeleton-like man, 81
given as present for medicine, 492
journey to secure, 581
magical use of, 483
offered as incense, 664, 665, 683
offered in thanksgiving, 627
pathway to, guarded, 82
preparation of, 213
smoking, while listening to story, 744, 745
used in restoring life, 308
made by hacking trees, 364
made to disappear, 387
bends and straightens at command, 391
boy living under roots of, 389, 399
magic appearance of, 192
man created from roots of, 168
origin of knots on, 448
roots grown over man, 705
sinks into the earth, 410
standing on breast of man, 190
used to bring people to life, 138
Trees, hemlock, observation of, to ascertain direction, 451
boy converted into, 280
oil of, potency in healing, 159
Turkey skin, robe made from, 278
Turtle, carries woman on back, 411
Walther, Henry, assistant to illustrator, 31
disgorging of, 97, 132, 140, 143, 186, 208, 210, 226, 227, 263, 265, 320, 408, 516, 755
failure to produce, 265
making of, 216
mention, 158, 159
unsuccessful attempt at disgorging, 142
used as peace credentials, 429
Wampum belt, false, used to bribe guard, 507
Wampum sash, sign of marriage, 87
War, challenge to, 315
War post of torture, mentioned, 408
Weather, signs indicating, 657
Whirlwind People, mentioned, 61
White, Peter, Seneca informant, 52
Wind God, Onondaga name for, 67
Wind People, mentioned, 61
Winship, George Parker, mentioned, 29
Winter God, activities of, 64
Winter Season, personification of, 63
becomes man-eater, 232
falls into hole and through earth, 410
Woodcock’s eyes, used as dice, 206
World, higher, visit to, 252
World, trip to ascertain size of, 450