Bohema M?m Great water, Sacramento River.
Boh?m B?li Great mountain, Bald Mountain.
Boh?m Puyuk Great peak, Mount Shasta.
Boh?m T?hil Great Tehil.
B?libok Puyuk Bulibok peak.
B?li Puiw?kat Eastern mountain slope.
Dok?s HleÏ PÚriton.
Dau Paki Ol?l Upper side of the dam, above the dam.
?litsarauton Root flat.
?l Hakam In the elbow.
Halat Pom Grapevine land.
Han B?li Fox mountain.
H?n Pom Owl land, now Slate Creek.
Hl?hl? Puihlut Ton Acorn eastern sweat-house place.
Kahi B?li Wind mountain.
Kaisansi Haraston The road place of Kaisus.
Kawik?n Down in Kawi.
K?ri B?li Acorn mountain.
K?l?tc?p?n Kenharas Arrow straightener’s down-road.
K?nw?n?s Pom Looking down land.
Lasan Hol?k Spider’s house (or den).
Lor?s Pom Sandstone land.
Miol Tapa Tree on the island.
M?mnom Kalai Southern water divide.
Nomk?n Kobalus Waim?mton Northern shell water place.
Nomlopi Southern Lopi.
Nophlut Deer’s sweat-house.
N?rken M?m Water down south, now Little Sacramento.
N?rpat Kodiheril Kodi village stand southward.
N?rpuik?n Down southeast.
N?rwan B?li Norwan mountain.
N?rwanbulihlut Norwan mountain sweat-house.
N?rw?nte Seen in the south.
Olp?hlch?ton Blowing upward, i.e. wishing place.
Pant? Tsarau Upper sand flat, now Fall River.
Pas Puisono Nose (promontory) sticking out eastward, now Redding.
P?n?l K?nt?.
Pokait?n M?m Woman’s talk water.
Pom Wai Hudi Pom Land in the north, rumbling land.
Puidal Pom Land far east.
Puidal W?nn?m Winnem far east.
Pui M?m Eastern water, now Pit River.
Puiti?l Ton In the eastern side (region) place.
Pui Tor?r Eastern ridge.
Sask?w?l Sas’s dwelling.
Son?myai At the stones.
Sawal Pom The bathing-place land.
Sudi Sawal The Sudi bathing-place.
TayÁm NorÉl Waiting in the south, now Trinity Centre.
Tcanahl Puyuk White peak.
T?d? Puyuk Red peak.
T?hi B?li Tehi mountain.
Tid?k Waisono Ant northern nose (nose-promontory).
TÓriham Pui Tor?r Eastern crane place.
TÓk?ston Rock ridge place.
Tsarau H?ril Sandflat village, now Stillwater.
Ts?k T?pji White oak whirling-place.
Waik?n Pom Pui Hum?k Pom The land down north, the eastern silent land.
Waihola Puyuk Northern pipe place.
Waik?di Pom Northern Kidi land.
W?ni M?m Middle water, now MacCloud River.


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