Decoration | Page | Introduction | xi | Olelbis | 3 | Olelbis and Mem Loimis | 51 | Norwan | 69 | Tulchuherris | 121 | Sedit and the Two Brothers Hus | 163 | Hawt | 177 | Norwanchakus and Keriha | 211 | Kele and Sedit | 243 | Kol Tibichi | 267 | The Winning of Halai Auna at the House of Tuina | 281 | The Hakas and the Tennas | 297 | Ilhataina | 313 | Hitchinna | 325 | Tirukala | 339 | Sukonia’s Wives and the Ichpul Sisters | 353 | The Finding of Fire | 365 | Haka Kaina | 373 | Titindi Maupa and Paiowa, the Youngest Daughter of Wakara | 389 | The Two Sisters, Haka Lasi and Tsore Jowa | 407 | The Dream of Juiwaiyu and his Journey to Damhauja’s Country | 425 | The Flight of Tsanunewa and Defeat of Hehku | 445 | The First Battle in the World and the Making of the Yana | 467 | Notes, and Names of Places | 485 |