THE NATURE OF A CORPORATION.—The nature of a corporation is perhaps best understood by an illustration. In the case of People's Pleasure Park Co. v. Rohleder, 109 Va. 439, the facts were as follows: There was a large tract of land divided up into a number of lots, and in each deed, when a lot was sold, there was a covenant providing that title to the real property should never vest in a person of African descent, or in a colored person. Later, after the lots had been sold, several of them were conveyed to a corporation composed exclusively of negroes. The corporation knew, when it purchased the tract of land, of this restriction in the deed, and the land was bought by it for the purpose of establishing an amusement park for colored people. Suit was brought in a court of equity to compel the cancellation of the deed to the corporation. Stated boldly, the decision of the Virginia court amounts to an assertion that a corporation has no color. In other words, the corporation is an entity separate and distinct from its members, and so, although all the stockholders in this corporation were colored, that did not make the corporation a colored person. Thus, if A, B, and C, as incorporators, organize the X Corporation, although they are the sole stockholders, there are four persons, A, B, C, and the X Corporation. THE ENTITY THEORY.—It may be doubted if any court would carry the entity theory to the extent that it would allow an individual who was the owner of a piece of real estate, which he was not permitted by the deed to sell to negroes, to deliberately go to a prospective negro purchaser and say: "I cannot sell my property to you because of a restriction in the deed, but I will pay the necessary expenses, if you, with two of your friends, will form a corporation to take title to this property, in which corporation each of your friends will own one share and you the balance, thus retaining control yourself. I will then deed the property to the corporation and will thereby get around the covenant in my deed preventing a transfer to negroes." We must not allow the entity theory to work a manifest injustice, as was said in Erickson v. Revere Elevator Co., 110 Minn. 443: "Where the corporate form is used by individuals for the purpose of evading the law, or for the perpetration of fraud, the courts will not permit the legal entity to be interposed so as to defeat justice." RESULTS OF THE ENTITY THEORY.—Flowing from the entity theory is the result that the property of a corporation is owned by the corporation and not by the individual members. Therefore, all conveyances of such property, whether it is real property or personal property, must be made by the corporation, and cannot be made by the members or shareholders as individuals. It also follows that all suits against or by the corporation must be brought against the corporation or by the corporation as an KINDS OF CORPORATIONS.—Corporations are divided into public, quasi-public, and private corporations. The private corporation is such as is created for private enterprises, such as manufacturing, banking, and trading corporations. Religious and eleemosynary corporations are also included in this classification. The public corporation is such as is created for the purposes of government, such as cities, towns, villages, and institutions founded by the State, and managed by it for governmental purposes. Quasi-public corporations are such as are engaged in a private business which is affected with a public interest, such as railroads, both steam and electric, gas companies, water companies, lighting companies, and the like. The public, and generally the quasi-public, corporations possess the right of eminent domain, that is, the right to take private property for public purposes upon payment of just compensation to the owner. It is the private corporation with which we are usually concerned in commercial law, and this chapter will be devoted largely to a discussion of that class. THE CREATION OF A CORPORATION.—A corporation must be created by legislative authority. Formerly, a corporation was created by special act of the legislature, but in recent years the growth in the CITIZENSHIP OF A CORPORATION.—Although a corporation is a separate entity, entirely distinct and apart from its members, such separate entity is not a citizen in the sense in which we use the term ordinarily. At a general election a corporation has no right to vote. Again, Article 4 Section 2, of the United States Constitution, provides that "citizens of each State shall be entitled to all of the privileges and immunities of citizens in the several States." A corporation is not a citizen in this sense. Hence a State may keep all insurance companies, incorporated outside of its area, from doing business in that State by discriminating legislation against foreign insurance corporations. Insurance is not looked upon as interstate commerce, about which the individual States may not legislate, and as a corporation is not a citizen within the meaning of Article 4, Section 2, such insurance companies have no redress. In one sense, however, a corporation is looked upon as a POWERS OF CORPORATIONS.—A corporation is unable to do anything beyond such powers as are granted it by law. As to the extent of the powers possessed by a corporation, we may conveniently divide corporate powers into those which are express and those which are implied. Express powers may be considered as including those which are mentioned in the official documents used or granted upon the beginning of the existence of the corporation. These official documents are spoken of as "charters" or "certificates of incorporation." Whatever term may be applied to them there is generally in such documents a statement of the general purposes or objects for which the corporation is formed; in other words, of the general business in which it is to engage. There is also a statement of the general powers of the corporation which is to engage in the business mentioned. The powers so mentioned in such official documents may be termed, as we have stated, express powers of the corporation. Needless to say, however, it is ULTRA VIRES ACTS.—Where a corporation attempts to do an act which is clearly beyond its express or implied powers, such act is generally termed an "ultra vires" act, and it may frequently consist in an attempted contract by a corporation. Hence we must consider with some care contracts of corporations which may be termed ultra vires. As the corporation lacks power it is generally said that the contract does not arise and hence neither the corporation nor the person with whom it attempted to contract would theoretically be bound thereon. Yet, in DE FACTO AND DE JURE CORPORATIONS.—It sometimes happens that a group of persons may attempt to organize a corporation and fail to comply with all the provisions of the law in the State in which they attempt to organize. The question arises then: What have we? Of course, we do not have a full completed organization, which we would call a corporation de jure (by right of law). We may have what is called a corporation de facto (in fact). In order to constitute a corporation de facto, it is generally held that the following requisites must exist: There must be a valid law which authorizes the formation of such a corporation; a colorable attempt to organize under the provision of such law; and an assumption of corporate power, or, as is sometimes called, a user. If these facts exist, we then have a corporation de facto, and persons dealing with such a corporation are usually held to the same responsibilities as though it was an actual de jure corporation. The State, ordinarily, is the only person which can question the existence of such a body, and this is usually done in a suit by the attorney-general. If the parties have not even complied with the requisites of PROMOTERS.—A promoter is a very common person in the modern industrial world. He is a person who brings about the organization of corporations, gets the people together who are interested in the enterprise, aids in procuring subscriptions, and takes general charge of all the matters incident to the formation of the corporation. In other ways, he is governed by the rules of agency and his position is that of a fiduciary. The majority of the courts hold that there is no liability on the part of the corporation to pay for his expenses and his services, in promoting the organization, unless the corporation as an organization expressly promises to pay or otherwise clearly recognizes the obligation. Because of the fiduciary relationship, which a promoter occupies, he is not permitted to make any secret profits at the expense of the corporation. If he secures property for $1,000,000, he may not turn it over to the corporation for $1,500,000 and pocket the profit himself. A corporation cannot be liable for the acts of a promoter before the corporation came into existence. It may, however, after coming into existence adopt the acts of the promoter and thereby render itself liable. If, knowing the terms of POWER OF THE STATE OVER A CORPORATION.—It must follow, that if a State creates a corporation, then it should have certain control over it. The United States Supreme Court has recognized the right of visitation as residing in the State. Visitation is, in law, the act of a superior or superintendent officer who visits a corporation to examine into its manner of conducting business and its observance of the laws. The visitation of National banks by the Comptroller of the Currency is a common example of the exercise of this authority. One of the most famous cases in the United States Supreme Court is the Dartmouth College case. In 1769, the King of England granted a charter to twelve people under the name of "The Trustees of Dartmouth College." They were authorized to conduct a college and they founded Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire. In 1816, the legislature in the State of New Hampshire undertook to amend the charter in many ways, among other things, increasing the number of trustees to twenty-one. A furious conflict ensued between the State and the trustees. The State finally brought suit to recover the corporate seal and records which were held by a Mr. Woodward, who held them under the amendatory act to which we have referred. The case LIABILITY FOR TORTS AND CRIMES.—A corporation is ordinarily liable, the same as an individual, for all torts committed by its agents in the scope of their authority. A corporation may even be liable for acts which are beyond its authority. For example, in the case of Hannon v. Siegel-Cooper Co., 167 N. Y. 244, it was held that the department store of the Siegel-Cooper Company, a corporation, was liable for mal-practice in dentistry. The charter of the company did not give the company the right to practice dentistry, but space in the store was rented to a dentist who conducted a dental parlor. Because of his negligent treatment of a patient, the court held that the corporation was liable for the negligent acts of its agent. Corporations may also be held liable for such torts as involve a mental element, like fraud and libel. A corporation may be criminally responsible for failure to perform a duty imposed upon it by law, and in many States there are statutes which make it a criminal offense for a corporation to do or fail to do certain acts. It is generally held, however, that a corporation cannot commit a crime which involves a mental operation, as for example, murder. Murder involves a mental operation; it is "killing with malice aforethought." Then again, it would be difficult to punish a corporation for the crime of murder, because under our State constitutions, the punishment for murder SHERMAN ANTI-TRUST ACT.—On July 2, 1890, the Sherman Anti-Trust Act was passed by Congress. The first section of this act reads: "Every contract, combination in the form of trust or otherwise, or conspiracy, in restraint of trade or commerce among the several States, or with foreign nations, is hereby declared to be illegal. Every person who shall make any such contract, or engage in any such combination or conspiracy, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $5,000, or by imprisonment not exceeding one year, or by both said punishments, in the discretion of the court." The second section of this act reads: "Every person who shall monopolize, or attempt to monopolize, or combine or conspire with any other person or persons to monopolize any part of the trade or commerce among the several states, or with foreign nations, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $5,000, or by imprisonment not exceeding one year, or by both said punishments, in the discretion of the court." It would be impossible, in a small amount of space, to call attention, except in a general way, to BY-LAWS.—A by-law is a permanent rule for the government of a corporation and its officers. The purpose of a by-law is to regulate and define the duties of the members of the corporation toward the corporation and between themselves. The power to make the by-laws is vested in the stockholders. There are certain qualifications which all by-laws must possess. They must be reasonable and not inconsistent with law or any rule of public policy. It would not be possible for a majority of the stockholders at a regular stockholders' meeting to pass by-laws which would deliberately deprive the minority stockholders of rights which belong to them. The by-laws are, of course, always subject to the provisions of the charter STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING.—In order that the acts of the majority of stockholders shall be valid, they must be authorized at a regular stockholders' meeting. This must be held in the principal office of the company, and the notice required by the by-laws must be given to all of the stockholders. After this is done, the majority of the stockholders may transact business and bind the corporation. Of course, in a large corporation with a hundred thousand shareholders, as is the case with some of our bigger corporations like the United States Steel Corporation and the Pennsylvania Railroad, very few of the stockholders actually attend the meetings. The directors usually send out with the notice of the meeting, a proxy, and the stockholders who are not able to be present send in their proxy authorizing certain persons to vote for them. In this way, a majority of the stockholders are present at the meeting, either in person or by proxy. In certain cases stockholders may interfere with the action of directors in connection with the general management of a corporation, or may even oust the directors from their positions. These cases are extremely rare, since the power of directors is supreme as to all corporate matters as to which the statutes or by-laws do not provide for concurrence or other action by the stockholders. Where proof is offered, however, FOREIGN CORPORATIONS.—A foreign corporation is one which is organized under the laws of MANAGEMENT OF CORPORATIONS.—The management of any corporation rests directly with the board of directors and they may be considered as the agents of the corporation to direct its business affairs. The directors, however, are subject in their action to any limitation upon their power which may have been included in the charter or certificate of incorporation or which may have been adopted in the by-laws. The directors are also subject to any provisions in the statutes of the State, which frequently provide that they shall not take certain important actions, such as the mortgaging of corporate property, etc., without special procedure involving a meeting and vote of the stockholders. Where, however, the directors' authority is not limited by the statutes or the charter or by-laws, they may be considered as having full power to manage the affairs ELECTION OF DIRECTORS.—The directors of a corporation are elected by the stockholders and the election generally takes place at the regular annual meeting of stockholders of the corporation. Either the entire board of directors is elected at that time for the ensuing year, or a portion of them. In this connection it is provided by the statutes of many States that at least a certain proportion of the total number of directors shall be elected annually. The method of electing such directors at the annual meeting VOTING TRUSTS.—The proxy principle is involved in what are termed "voting trusts." These arrangements involve the placing by a number of stockholders of their stock in the hands of certain persons, giving to the latter the right to vote on the stock; in other words, it is a concentration of the stock of a number of persons in the hands of one or a few persons. The latter are termed "voting trustees." It is necessary to consult the statutes of the various States with regard to the legality of such voting trusts, but they are generally permitted, with the restriction, however, that the agreement under which the stock is deposited with the voting trustee or trustees must be in writing and that any stockholder may have the right to deposit his stock with such trustee or trustees and become a party to the voting trust. The statutes also frequently limit the time during which such a voting trust may continue. ISSUE OF STOCK.—The stock of a corporation is in theory issued for an amount of money or property equal to the par value of the stock. In practice, however, in many States there is no limitation on the valuation which the promoters of a corporation may put upon the property or rights which are transferred to the corporation. The stock is regarded as fully paid in if property transferred to it is transferred as having the assumed value of the corporation's capital, however little the property may actually be worth. In other States, however, an official must approve the valuation put upon property transferred as payment for stock, and in such States it may be PROCEDURE IN ISSUING BONDS.—It is sometimes difficult for the investor fully to appreciate the vast amount of detail work involved in the bringing out of a new bond issue. Before the investment banker underwrites the issue, or makes his purchase from the corporation—before the bonds are offered to the public—there is always a painstaking and minute investigation of the new security from many different viewpoints, made by and in behalf of the banker. The investor can never know from the banker's printed circular, descriptive of the issue, the great amount of original work which underlies it and of which it is a meager reflection. The circular is a summary of the banker's investigation; it contains the salient features of the issue and of the issuing corporation, reduced to terms that are intelligible to the average layman. It is a statement of the principal facts which led the banker to make an investigation of the business WHAT IS A BOND?—This can be explained best by comparing it with a real estate bond and mortgage, the nature of which has already been discussed. When money is loaned on real estate, the mortgagor, or the one who borrows, executes two papers in favor of the mortgagee, or the lender. The first is either a promissory note or a bond. The bond is a sealed writing whereby the borrower binds himself, his heirs, administrators or executors, or assigns, to pay the lender a given sum of money at a specified time, together with interest. The second paper given as security for the note or bond, is a mortgage, which conveys the title to the property to the lender, with the provision, however, that if the borrower satisfies the conditions imposed in the bond—that is, the payment of a certain sum of money at a given time, together with interest as agreed—this conveyance (mortgage) is to be held null and void. WHAT IS A CORPORATION INDENTURE?—The indenture is a more lengthy instrument than the bond, and, as will be noted, it is called an "indenture" and not a "mortgage." The mortgage strictly is only that portion of the indenture whereby the property is conveyed or deeded to the mortgagee, with the provision that the deed so given is to be held null and void in the event that the conditions named in the bond are faithfully carried out. The indenture is broader than the mortgage; it contains provisions ANALYSIS OF INDENTURES.—The indenture, or agreement, must of necessity be made between certain parties, the mortgagor or the corporation and the mortgagee, in this case the Trustee who holds the security given in trust for the various bondholders. It is, therefore, proper that we recite at the very beginning of the indenture the parties in interest, giving their legal residence, or as in the case of corporations the names of the States wherein they are incorporated. It is quite essential that we know in what State a corporation was incorporated, as its rights and privileges are determined by the statutes of the State which created it and by the charter which has been granted to it. What are our reasons for creating the indenture? The very first premise is that the corporation is legally able to borrow money by law. If it did not have this right we could proceed no further. To borrow money and mortgage or pledge property LIMITATION OF POWERS OF DIRECTORS.—There are various matters wherein directors of any corporation do not usually have power to act on behalf of the corporation without special authorization. Such matters include the amendment of the corporate charter (thereby changing the purposes of the corporation), the change of the name of the corporation, the increase or decrease of authorized capital stock, the sale of the total corporate assets and franchise, the consolidation of the corporation where permitted by statute, and the giving of mortgages upon the corporate property. This last point is especially important since the validity of a corporate mortgage as security for a loan of money depends upon whether the mortgage was authorized and given in all respects pursuant to statute of the State involved. As these corporate mortgages not only are given as security for a single loan of money but also furnish security often for very large amounts of bonds, the matter of the authority of the directors and the DIVIDENDS ON STOCK.—Dividends on the stock of corporations are declared by the directors, who have power to use their discretion as to the amount to be disbursed in this way. The statutes are, however, very explicit in prohibiting the declaration of any dividends except out of the surplus profits of the business conducted by the corporation. With CUMULATIVE DIVIDENDS.—It frequently happens that a corporation does not earn any dividends in a particular year. The question arises, is the holder of a 7% preferred stock in a position to demand that the dividend be paid the following year. Suppose the corporation earns nothing in 1921 and earns 14% in 1922. The holder of one share of a non-cumulative preferred stock would receive the usual 7% dividend only in 1922. If the stock were cumulative he would receive 14%. In other words the unearned dividends accumulate and become a charge which the corporation must pay when sufficient is earned in prosperous years before the holders of common stock are entitled to receive any dividend. Usually the stock certificate and the articles of incorporation specify whether stock is cumulative or non-cumulative. If they do not, then reference to the law of the State where the company is incorporated, is necessary to decide such a question. LIABILITY OF OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS TO THE CORPORATION.—Whether a corporation becomes liable by virtue of action taken by its officers or directors depends upon principles of agency applied to the law of corporations. These principles have already been stated. Whether the directors or officers are themselves personally liable is another matter. Conceivably they may be liable either to their employer (the corporation) or to creditors of the corporation. They are not directly liable to the shareholders as such. Any injury or wrong they may indirectly do to shareholders is directly done to the corporation, the shareholders being injured only because the corporation in which he is interested is injured. Shareholders may, however, institute proceedings against directors or officers if, as not infrequently happens, the corporation itself, being controlled by the wrongdoers, fails to take proceedings. The shareholders in such a case, however, demand redress for the corporation, not for themselves; and whatever may be recovered, is recovered for the benefit of the corporation. The duty of the directors and officers of the corporation is analogous to the duty of any agent to his principal. That is, each officer or director must exercise reasonable diligence in the performance of his work and must observe fidelity to his principal. The application of these principles to particular fact is not always easy, but the principles themselves are plain. Especially the degree of care which directors are bound to use presents a troublesome question of fact. In a small business it may be LIABILITY OF OFFICERS TO CREDITORS.—So long as a corporation is solvent, creditors of the corporation have no reason or right to seek redress from any one but the corporation itself. Creditors of an insolvent corporation, however, may enjoin LIABILITY OF BANK OFFICERS.—The principles governing the liability of bank directors and other officers of a bank are the same as those which govern similar questions regarding other corporations. The bank laws, however, impose certain duties and penalties which affect the application of general principles. It may be worth while to enumerate briefly some of the duties of different bank officers, a violation of which renders them personally liable. As to directors it has been said that "It is not necessary to show directly that the directors actually had their attention called to the mismanagement of the affairs of the bank, or to the misconduct of subordinate THE PRESIDENT.—The duties of the president, and consequently his liabilities, must be determined by general law, the charter of the particular institution, its by-laws, and by general business usage. Thus, if the usage exists for the president to draw and sign checks in the absence of the cashier, the president will have authority so to act. He has authority to conduct the litigation of the bank; he may employ counsel. He may generally indorse negotiable paper of the bank. On the other hand, he will be personally liable if he permits improper loans or over-drafts; if he fails to give proper instructions THE CASHIER.—The Supreme Court of Maine has thus expressed the functions of the cashier of a bank: "A cashier, it is well known, is allowed to present himself to the public as habitually accustomed to make payment for its bills or notes payable to other persons; to make payment for bills and notes discounted by the directors; to receive payment for bills of exchange, notes, and other debts due to the bank; to receive money on deposit and to pay the same to the order of the depositors. He is presented as having the custody of its books, bills of exchange, notes, and other evidences of debt due to it, and, indeed, of all its movable property; as making entry in its books and as keeping its accounts and a record of its proceedings. In many banks these duties are performed in part by tellers, clerks, or assistants, but generally, it is believed, under his superintendence, and he might at any time assume the performance of them and perform them, if able to do so, without such assistance. His true position appears to be that of a general agent for the performance of his official and accustomed duties. While acting within the scope BLUE SKY LAWS.—The term "blue sky" has become very familiar to the corporation lawyer in the last few years. The so-called "blue sky" legislation is a well meaning, if partly futile, attempt to meet an existing evil in connection with the sale of corporate securities. We shall find later that five elements are necessary to constitute the action of fraud or deceit: (1) a false representation of a material fact; (2) made with knowledge of its falsity; (3) with intent that it be acted upon; (4) that it be acted upon; (5) damage follows. The courts have almost universally held that a mere statement of opinion does not give rise to a cause of action for fraud, whereas a mistatement of fact does. Hence if I state to you when selling you 100 shares of the Bonanza Gold Mining Corporation that the company has never paid less than 20% in dividends during the last five years and you purchase the stock relying on this misrepresentation of fact (the situation actually being the company has never paid a THE FINANCIAL PROSPECTUS.—If you will examine the average financial prospectus of a new stock being offered for sale to the public, you will find that when most of the high sounding terms and flattering statements are analyzed carefully that they will fall in this second class of non-actionable statements. There are few statements of fact but many glowing statements in the nature of "seller's talk." We all know, however, that enormous quantities of worthless stock are sold each year by this method. When business conditions are good it sometimes seems as if the wilder the scheme the easier it is to find a gullible public ready to purchase such securities. To prevent the perpetration of such frauds on the public is the object of the so-called "blue sky" legislation. THE LAW ANALYZED.—The first "blue sky" law was passed in Kansas in 1911. The evil sought to be remedied was so prevalent that the idea spread rapidly AS TO THE PERSONS AFFECTED.—Generally any person offering any securities, and any seller's agent or broker, the issuer, or any agent or director of the issuer, or any owner or dealer, is covered by the Act. Illinois fiscal corporations such as banks, trust companies, insurance companies, building and loan associations and the like are practically exempt from the provisions of the Illinois securities law. THE ILLINOIS ACT.—The Illinois act covers the following securities: Section 3. For the purposes of this Act securities are divided into four classes as follows: (1) Securities, the inherent qualities of which assure their sale and disposition without the perpetration of fraud, which shall be known as securities in Class "A"; (2) Securities, the inherent qualities of which, or in the nature of one or both parties to the sale thereof, (3) Securities based on established income, which shall be known as securities in Class "C"; (4) Securities based on prospective income, which shall be known as securities in Class "D"; Section 4. Securities in Class "A" shall comprise securities: (1) Issued by a government or governmental agency, or by anybody having power of taxation of assessment; (2) Issued by any National or State bank or trust company, building and loan association of this State, or insurance company organized or under the supervision of the Department of Trade and Commerce of this State; (3) Issued by any corporation operating any public utility in any State wherein there is or was at the time of issuance thereof in effect any law regulating such utilities and the issue of securities by such corporation; (4) Appearing in any list of securities dealt in on the New York, Chicago, Boston, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Cleveland or Detroit Stock Exchange, respectively, pursuant to official authorization by such exchanges, respectively, and securities senior to any securities so appearing; (5) Whereof current prices shall have been quoted from time to time for not less than one year next preceding the offering for sale thereof, in tabulated (6) Issued by any corporation organized not for pecuniary profit or organized exclusively for educational, benevolent, fraternal, charitable or reformatory purposes; (7) Being notes or bonds secured by mortgage lien upon real estate or leasehold in any State or territory of the United States or in the Dominion of Canada, when the mortgage is a first mortgage on real estate, and when in case it is not a first mortgage lien or is on a leasehold, the mortgage and notes or bonds secured thereby (not including interest notes or coupons) shall each bear a legend in red characters not less than one-half inch in height, indicating (1) that the mortgage is on a leasehold, if that be the case, and (2) that the mortgage is a junior mortgage, if that be the case; (8) Being a note secured by first mortgage upon tangible or physical property, when such mortgage is assigned with such securities to the purchaser; (9) Evidencing indebtedness due under any contract made in pursuance to the provisions of any statute of any State of the United States providing for the acquisition of personal property under conditional sale contract; (10) Being negotiable promissory notes given (11) Being subscriptions for the capital stock under any license issued to commissioners to incorporate a company under the laws of this State where no commission or other remuneration paid for the sale or disposition of such securities; Securities in Class "A" and the sales thereof shall not be subject to the provisions of this Act. Section 5. Securities in Class "B" shall comprise securities: (1) Sold by the owner for the owner's account exclusively when not made in the course of continued and repeated transactions of a similar nature; (2) Increased capital stock of a corporation sold or distributed by it among its stockholders without the payment of any commission or expense to solicitors, agents or brokers in connection with the distribution thereof; (3) Sold by or to any bank, trust company, or insurance company or association organized under any law of this State or of the United States, or doing business in this State under the supervision of the Department of Trade and Commerce; or of the auditor of Public Accounts; or by or to any building and loan association organized and doing business under the laws (4) Sold or offered for sale at any judicial, executor's or administrator's sale, or at any sale by a receiver or trustee in insolvency or bankruptcy, or at a public sale or auction held at an advertised time and place; Securities in Class "B," when disposed of by the persons and in the manner provided by this section, shall not be subject to the provisions of this Act. Section 6. Securities in Class "C" shall comprise the following: Those issued by a person, corporation, firm, trust, partnership or association owning a property, business or industry, which has been in continuous operation not less than two years and which has shown net profits, exclusive of all prior charges, as follows: (1) In the case of interest-bearing securities not less than one and one-half times the annual interest charge upon all outstanding interest-bearing obligations; (2) In the case of preferred stock not less than one and one-half times the annual dividend on such preferred stock; (3) In the case of common stock not less than 3% per annum upon such common stock. Section 7. Securities in Class "C" may be disposed of, sold or offered for sale upon compliance with the following conditions, and not otherwise: A statement shall be filed in the office of the Secretary of State: (1) Describing the evidence of indebtedness, preferred stock or common stock intended to be offered or sold; (2) Stating the law under which and the time when the issuer was organized; (3) Giving a detailed statement of the assets and liabilities of such issuer and income of profit and loss statement, and giving an analysis of surplus account; (4) Giving the names and addresses of its principal officers and of its directors or trustees; (5) Giving pertinent facts, data and information establishing that the securities to be offered are securities in Class "C." Such statement shall be verified by the oath of not less than two credible persons having knowledge of the facts. Not less than twenty-five copies of such statement, wholly printed or wholly typewritten, shall at the time of filing the original statement be filed with the Secretary of State. The printed or typewritten copies so filed shall bear at the top in bold faced type the expression: "Securities in Class 'C' under Illinois Securities Law," followed by the expression, also in bold-faced type: "This statement is prepared by parties interested in the sale of securities herein mentioned. Neither the State of Illinois, nor any officer of the State, assumes any responsibility for any statement contained herein nor recommends any of the securities described below." Section 8. All securities other than those falling within Class "A," "B" and "C," respectively, shall be known as securities in Class "D." Section 9 gives the requisites of the statement required to be filed with the Secretary of State before securities of Class "D" may be sold. Such statement is even more complete than that required in Section 7. SALES AND CONTRACTS VOID.—Every sale or contract in violation of the act is void, and the fines vary from not less than $100 to not more than $25,000, and the imprisonment from six months to five years. Although there is great need for a Federal incorporation act there is even greater need for a Federal blue sky law. With different acts in the different States, the Illinois act being simply an example, even the most careful business man may unwittingly find himself in a position where he has violated one of these laws with their severe penalties. |